Sgt. Rippi
chris   Vreden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Ei tietoja.
Kirjautunut ulos
Luonut - Thales
61 arvostelua
How to cheat in Hunt: Showdown without getting banned!
Thales 7.4. klo 9.17 
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Thales 25.8.2023 klo 10.58 
Hacks in DayZ :csgo_headshot:
MartinTheGray 23.4.2023 klo 10.17 
Well played fellow hunter. I was careless which lead me to get killed by both you and your teammate. May the bayou ever be on your side
Thales 21.8.2022 klo 4.30 
♫ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: GAY PORN
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3lefant 15.2.2018 klo 11.44 
3lefant 20.5.2017 klo 12.44 
17:04 Uhr
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