Sir Gunnerlot
United States
No information given.
Overall Quotes:

"Delays can’t fix a bad game, they can only make a good game better." - 8bitzombi 2020

"A 1st Amendment 'auditor' is usually a hemorrhoid on America's ass." - Username: Bo Hunter 2020

"Every terrorist is a hero in their own mind" - Username: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ November 2019

"If we lived under true tyranny, none of those 'protestors' would be able to say 'don't touch me' to police. These people are experiencing freedom without realizing how good they have it" - Scott Covert 2020

"Let's get something straight: 'Freedom of Press' implies a LEGITIMATE journalist. Not just any narcissistic auditor with a camera, acting like a fool, deliberately looking to incite reactions, cause trouble and harass people just because they have nothing better to do with their life. We need to stop these idiots! They are slime and waste tax payers money making cops deal with them." - Username: LadyRight 2020

"First Amendment Auditors make enough to fly each other around, party in casinos, live in hotels for extended periods of time, pay prostitutes, and purchase drugs. Total their e begging donation cash, YouTube advertiser money, and the public welfare benefits they typically receive. What you come up with by any estimate is well above what the honest workers they harass make in most cases." - DB Cooper

"Half-Life 3 in VR is a must, but making it a VR exclusive would be like showing a middle finger to the whole fanbase." - Nedly Dedly 2020

"A soldier who wins a hand-to-hand combat is a soldier." - Taebo 7 dan (ᄋ태보7단) 2018

"Cops are good. Lack of training and a clear lack of empathy are, especially when enumerated, are a poor, devoid of any ethic, and a disgusting trait administered by many people, not just cops." - Franklin Sheapard 2019

"Most parents are imprudent or reckless as parents because they are first introduced to overall parenting after having their firstborn. Like most people, they're not exceptional at it, yet prior knowledge or forethought will make you a much better parent." - Samuel Shank 2018

"Spanking is wrong but at the same time I feel kids these days are being raised without enough discipline and become little monsters as kids that become young adults that are over entitled and disrespectful." - gameboysage from DeviantArt 2018.

"Companies like Nintendo are the definition of cliche and repetitiveness. They just keep doing the same thing over and over because they fear people will bash change. Too many purists." - Username: Mopbrothers.

"Nostalgia is a poison for those who cannot control it!" - Kal825B

"Real men fire from the Hip." - L3m0n_L1m3

"Alright, i got the meth, ♥♥♥♥♥!" - Pickleboy

"Anarchy has less reason and feasibility than rebelling for a free yet enforceable government in terms of rule." - Samuel Shank 2017

"Get your shoes on and get in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ car!" - Mark Zifchock 2015

"All magazines should now have blades on the sides for mag flipping." - SWITS Feral

"Go put on your belt, Casper!" - Samuel Shank 2015

"You just toasted him." - Felix Zifchock 2015

"Casper!, you are not part of this club!" Felix Zifchock 2015

"It's like CS:GO on crack." - Dante

"It's not very kosher, Sam." - Gabriel Gaydos 2015

"Don't force it!, live with it." - Marc Doumit 2015

"Nope, semen is for the ladies." - Dante 2015

"Arguing with a fool proves there are two," – Doris M. Smith

"When you're warned that there are thugs outside, you're not being threatened to be hurt, it's just a reminder of danger," - Samuel Shank 2017.

"Quick never has to be simple, it just has to be convenient," - Samuel Shank 2017.

"I don't care how deep that texture is, at all!, and don't care how many layers it is on what the normal map is." - John Romero 2015

"Don't make me block you!" Orion Gesslein 2016

"Don't take a baby from anyone!! They'll get their baby back." - Edith Art

"If the baby is hungry, let it eat." - Duke Dingus

"The erotic potato with a mohawk," - Noah Serbonich 2016

"All cave games should include torture." Samuel Shank 2016 (Rust are no exception)

"No kid gives a ♥♥♥♥ about kiddy games," - Shotfan 2017

"Ahead of time will win you the prize," - Samuel Shank

"You'll find there are more painful things than burning," - Marchamount (from Dark Fire)

"We're moms. We don't need to go out in public. We gave up that right when we started popping out babies" - Kristina Kuzmic

"Sex is the feature of creature," - Samuel Shank 2017

"God generally pays attention to us humans and have the full capacity to forgive us for all of our sins," - Samuel Shank 2017

"Never Argue with a fool(ish person), onlookers may not be able to tell the difference," Anonymous.

"Best way to argue is to win fast but don't argue otherwise," - Samuel Shank 2017

"Violence is a self," - Samuel Shank 2017

"Halo fans are the definition of blind haters and toxic gamers, the fact that good ideas are nice, tidy and likable just made hating them quite unreasonable at best." - Samuel Shank 2017

"If you claim your hands are only for cooking, just pretend your enemy is food if you have a weapon." - Samuel Shank 2017

"Impracticality is the mother of imagination," - Chris000 2010

"It's a video game, people play it for fun. If you want communication and team work then play with a pre-made team. You can rant all you want but this doesn't change anything, you can't dictate how other people play their games." - Jokerfan

"People who reject the truth will only stick to accepting their own opinion," - Samuel Shank 2017

"Criticism is just fault-finding and fault-finding is not all hostile," - Samuel Shank 2017

"Mic or no mic, you're going to have to deal with it. Valve doesn't say everyone must have a mic to play CSGO (atleast not even competitive)." - Username: Toxic 2015

Maze War VR 2017 Sayings/Quotes:

"As Above, so below."

"Things are about to take a turn for the worse."

"If you feel trapped, you feel correctly."

"You need eyes on the back of your eyes."

"Walls are an illusion, space is big."

"Before long, the hunter shall become the hunted."

My Leadership sayings:

"Use your mic at the right time and the right way, but again understand what you're doing as you play with your team." - Samuel Shank 2017

"You need to have enough luck to ♥♥♥♥!" - Samuel Shank 2015

"Homes and territories are the best energy factories," - Samuel Shank

"You have to be pretty wise, ingenious, and a very good idea on what you're doing." - Samuel Shank 2017

"The more diplomatic you are, the more friends you will keep." - Samuel Shank 2017

"Strategy, Tactics, Logistics et cetera. To execute them well, you have to be active, precise, experienced, ingenious, and observant even to keep things under control when it comes to leadership." - Samuel Shank 2017

"If you're grounded to only using unarmed combat, you're all but doomed." - Samuel Shank 2017

"if you disobey the higher ranks, then you'd make a lousy higher rank yourself." - Samuel Shank 2017

"Always avoid what's flawed at all times," Samuel Shank 2017.

"If you couldn't talk like Master Chief from Halo, then just keep quiet throughout the game." - Samuel Shank 2017.

"A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't," - Anonymous

"But when it's all said and done... Even cowards will rise," - BigZeeff

"Running your mouth can be a lot of fun but in the competitive sense you're screwed." - Samuel Shank 2017

"Experience is a better ally than sometimes unreliable team info. Most info is on the hud anyway: team positions, enemy positions if there is LOS or gunfire, alive or dead status, what gun was used to kill." - Username: zen_misery 2015
JOSH ALLEN ENJOYER Apr 29, 2016 @ 5:02am 
I sexually Identify as a LA̕͏͜M̴̨̀͠B̨͘͟͝͝O̴͟͢͠RGHINI. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of DRIVing UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS. People say to me that a person being a LAMBORGHINI is Impossible and I’m MATERIALISTIC but I don’t care, I’m this NEW LAMBORG̡͏͏H̡͢Į͡NI HERE. I’m having a plastic surgeon install , 7 NEW bookshelves and 2000 new books on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “NEW LAMBORGHINI HERE” and respect my right to DRIVE UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS. If you can’t accept me you’re a LAMBOphobe and need to check your ̡GNA͏WL͞I̛DGE. Thank you, and I'll see you on my website.
the ALLMIGHTY KEEMSTAR Feb 7, 2015 @ 8:45am 
Aeger Jan 14, 2015 @ 2:56pm 
Sir Gunnerlot Apr 8, 2013 @ 4:52pm 
dgaydos Apr 8, 2013 @ 4:21pm 

dgaydos Nov 19, 2011 @ 3:21pm 