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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.2 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 8, 2015 @ 9:39pm
Updated: Mar 9, 2015 @ 11:36am

This game is the perfect demonstration why game creators need to be greatly skilled to make good sandbox games. Despite all its visual beauty and tranquil atmosphere, Storm often manages to become irritating by (probably) unintended pitfalls in the level design or the clumsy implementation of its controls. The seed has a tendency to get stuck in places where no element can reach it, and perfectly good puzzles often become sour by the 10th slight off-placement of a wind or a 0.1s mistiming of a lightning.
On the other hand, Storm's basic concept is superb, and when none of the above clumsiness happens, it's sheer joy to guide your seed through the obstacles of nature. And, as hinted above, the hand-crafted visuals are a definite hit.

It would be too harsh to unrecommend the game, but I can only recommend it with reservation. If you're patient, you may be more forgiving towards the game's shortcomings, and have a great experience. If you're allergic to unrefined controls, you're probably better of giving Storm a miss.

Edit: ... and then I got to Spring Day 12. Oh my. NOT recommended :(
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