Chudmeister Flex
jacob   Kentucky, United States
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GoldSrc Saturdays - Julkinen ryhmä
GoldSrc Saturdays
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Juney 12.9. klo 9.17 
Kill Joy 11.9. klo 21.45 
WARNING: PLEASE KEEP READING! OTHERWISE YOU WILL DIE, EVEN IF YOU ONLY READ THE “WARNING” PART! There was a girl named Kathy who was ignored by everyone. Her parents ignored her, kids at school ignored her and basically everyone ignored her. After twelve years of this, she killed her parents. When the police got there, she tried to kill them too and was shot. Right before she died, she vowed to kill everyone who ignored her. Copy and paste this to 5 other websites or Kathy will think you are ignoring her and kill you at 11:11 pm tonight
lasagnaprincess6 11.9. klo 21.19 
Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. I'm 17 years old. I am very similar to you. Did I mention to you that I'm dead? A few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole to try and embarrass me. When I didn't come back up the police came.The girl said that I had fell and everyone believed them. The police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off. Send this message to 15 people after you listened the whole message if you value your life. A boy called David received this message. He just left and deleted it. When he was in the shower he heard laughing. My laughter. He got really scar
ayka🐈 10.9. klo 22.59 
WARNING: PLEASE KEEP READING! OTHERWISE YOU WILL DIE, EVEN IF YOU ONLY READ THE “WARNING” PART! There was a girl named Kathy who was ignored by everyone. Her parents ignored her, kids at school ignored her and basically everyone ignored her. After twelve years of this, she killed her parents. When the police got there, she tried to kill them too and was shot. Right before she died, she vowed to kill everyone who ignored her. Copy and paste this to 5 other websites or Kathy will think you are ignoring her and kill you at 11:11 pm tonight.
Kill Joy 9.9. klo 8.29 
Level 5 coal alert I repeat level 5 coal alert
ayka🐈 8.9. klo 22.50 

▄██THE YAOI TANK███▅▄▃▂