2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.7 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 17, 2014 @ 8:35pm

This game isn't about flashy or fancy graphics, it's about drilling the player on handguns mechanics in the context of a barebones tactical simulator. As such, the visually bare environment really suits it. Much more would be less--the game is a work of art in its own right. The premises and specifics of the storyline are New-Agey (and therefore pretentious, if not ridiculous), but they do provide a context for playing and winning the game. The ending kinda sucks, but it's really about the journey.

The game is challenging. Ammunition tends to be very limited, especially for the Colt 1911. It only takes one shot to take you down, but depending upon your shot placement, several rounds may be required to take down a drone or turret. Player character seems to have brittle bones disease. If you fall or jump more than a few feet down, you will die. There are no checkpoints or saves. When you die, you have to start all over again in a new, "randomly" generated map, with a "random" loadout of equipment. You will probably die numerous times before you actually finish the game. Most of those times, you will probably feel stupid. Other times, you will be completely out of ammunition, having started with little, having found little, having used what you had efficiently, and having died trying to get more.

Game actually succeeded tricked me into listening to recordings of the same of asinine drivel over and over again, while I thought I was having fun. Would-be cult leaders and New-Age charlatans take note!

I died once because I couldn't make the last step up a flight of stairs. I tried to run-jump it, bounced backwards, landed at the bottom of the stairs, and died. -4 points for the stair bug. +3 points for not making me feel like a ninja superhero.

For a cheap indie title: 9/10.

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