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Etalase Workshop
***This is a Fan Made Mod*** DC Deck Building Game by Cryptozoic Entertainment Includes: DC Comics Deck-Building Game Base Set Heroes United Forever Evil Teen Titans Dark Nights Metal Crisis 1 Expansion Crisis 2 Expansion Crisis 3 Expansion Crisis 4 Expans
265 rating
Dibuat oleh - Bladecom, 3vo, dan Coiser
Ryer 21 Jan 2015 @ 6:43pm 
Star Fruits Surf Rider 30 Apr 2012 @ 4:37pm 
Naah, don't have a plan for going to cons. Also, that elcor is totes kawaii.
Star Fruits Surf Rider 13 Apr 2012 @ 5:52pm 
Speculations Effect 3
Star Fruits Surf Rider 13 Apr 2012 @ 5:51pm 
On a sidenote, thanks for the birthday wish!
Star Fruits Surf Rider 13 Apr 2012 @ 5:50pm 
After Shepard's choice there's not even one line of dialogue that throws us a bone and straight up lets us know what's going down. Joker says nothing, he's not even screaming commands at an alive EDI or yelling hysterically over a dead EDI. Literally, the last voice you hear in the game is the voice of the Catalyst telling Shepard what his/her choices are. No one is asking questions in any proceeding cutscene, or crying, or screaming--how does the Normandy crew even know the Reaper threat was taken care of? OH WAIT they don't because apparently they fled the Sol system before the relays were obliterated which meant leaving Shepard and the victory fleet to die on Earth THANK YOU BIOWARE. ♥♥♥♥.
Star Fruits Surf Rider 13 Apr 2012 @ 5:50pm 
I'm with you in the bitterness for eternity unless I see some miracles. I've been thinking it through since I finished the game about 2 weeks ago and I agree that a "clarification" is as pointless as much as it is unnecessary. The ending simply needs to be changed, period. You cannot just put band-aid on a skull fracture. In a game that's all about providing details, why, in the last moments of what is supposed to be the epic conclusion to a widely lauded series, are there none?