
Snooping around are we? Fine then:
I am part-time good for nothing, part-time philosopher, gamer, adventurer, music-lover, occasional evil genius, occasional angel, and a pervert.
It all depends on the mood.
I am also extremely open-minded, therefore often i won't bat an eye at things that may shock other people.
If you need to talk i may just lend you my ear, privacy guaranteed of course. ;)

About my nick:
Dark void, i walk.
Hidden wonders, i seek.
To go back, i long not.
Amongst the stars, is where i belong.

Favorite game genre: RPG. Especially - High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Grimdark Fantasy, Steampunk.
Favorite Powers: Ability to understand and converse with all lifeforms, teleportation, and true immortality.

Favorite Music:
And others, ask if you want more. ^^)v

Favorite Vocaloid: IA
Shooting Star
Into Starlight
Inner Arts
A Realistic Logical Ideologist
See The Lights
We gotta run
Perverse Love Rock
Circuit Disco
Wanna Be Free
Invisible Lovers
☯ My philosophical musings, quotes, etc. Not all of this is by me, enjoy. ☯
If you want to friend me:
1. Your steam account must be clean with VAC and clean with steamrep. And it must stay that way.
2. Your profile privacy must be set to public or friends only.
3. Do this.

'Remember memories made in games, and feel thy soul healing.
Remember memories made in life, and feel thy soul screaming.'

'Size doesn't matter because you are both an ant, and a giant.'

'Life is a phase, death is a phase, there are likely others.
We are the travelers who walk across creation, from one phase to another.
In theory in each phase you are supposed to achieve a certain goal(s) in order to unlock the next phase. You likely remain in your current phase until you succeed.'

'It's not about how early you start, it's about how long you'll last.'

'How do YOU perceive and understand this creation in which we exist?
Some do it through logic, some through faith.
Some others through what they can see/hear/feel.
I believe creation is like a big round crystal, with countless facets upon its surface.
You can perceive some some of those facets when you look at them through logic, perhaps some others you can only perceive through faith, and yet others through what you can see/hear/feel.
Some of those facets can simply be invisible to humanity, because humanity lacks the tools/organs or even the right mindset that would enable it to perceive those facets of creation. Still, if you wish to reach higher levels, observe and analyze your surroundings with ALL the tools that you have.'

'Life is a lie so says i, fluff and goodbye so says i.
Forever forgotten, faded to dust.
Freedom, at last.'

'Without question, power is a thing to be desired. But by no means it is a thing to be obsessed over.'

'Hate and revenge are a form of pleasure, and it is notoriously hard to resist this pleasure.'

'To a mortal, nothing is more precious than time.'

'Want to get stronger? Then instead of thinking 'X is stronger than me,' think: 'I am weaker than X.'
Yes, it's all your own fault. So what are you gonna do about it?'

'God is a title. Whoever has enough power to wear that title, is god.'

'Birthday is a milestone on the journey to the underworld.'

You waste a good chunk of the best years of your life on it.
And to gain what, exactly? A little bigger paycheck?
Often most of the things we learn we don't even use, let alone use often.
Sometimes you can't even find work, no matter how skilled you are.
And then you look back on it and think something like: "The fu ck did i spent all those years on?"
At the very least humanity needs to develop superior learning methods, because time is precious when you have limited supply.'

'It's all about personality.
Even if the girl has a hot body she won't be able to make use of it if she's a prude.
S1uts though, they will be hot as hell even if they don't have much of a body.'

'Freedom - you are free to do as we tell you.
Is this your freedom?
If you think in terms of possession, you have no idea what freedom is.'

'When you start to get famous, everyone wants to be around you, not because of who you are, but because of what you are.'

'Look up, beyond the night sky.
What do you see? I see an endless void, full of wonder and mystery.
When i gaze into that void i am filled with deep-seated longing.
The stars beckon, calling me, but they are out of reach.
How i wish i could touch them, how i wish i could.... reach them.'

'Your will - is your temple.'

'Beauty is often deceptive.
Someone beautiful on the outside, can be very ugly on the inside.'

'It is not sky-daddies or mommies you should believe in, but yourself.
Do not copy, do not pretend, do not lie to yourself.
Endure, cultivate your will, evolve.'

'Love means nothing to me if there is higher place to be.'

'No reason to be one, when you can be all.'

'Need two to tango, and a third to play the music.'

'Truth is the sharpest of swords, stab yourself with it. Often.'

'By giving everyone what they want, we may obtain what we want.'

'Take this happy ending away, it's all the same.'

'Decide on a direction and follow it from the start til the end. What awaits you at the final destination, be it failure or success, will be yours alone.'

'No matter how much power we accumulate there is one thing that has always remained unchanged: The fight for survival.'

'The Awoken Broken.
Few have the power to keep walking, even after they have been broken.
The power to become awoken, is in the balance within.
Reassemble, awoken. And keep walking.
For you have awoken, and broken no more.'

'I love all, i hate all.'

'She holds his face with the palms of her hands, leans in to whisper in his ear.
Understand this, dear one. If it is with you then i will enjoy even the deepest depths of hell.
Together as one forever, then.
He whispers back, takes hold of her hand as they take their first step into infinity.
Their story will have no ending, because contrary to popular belief, good things don't have to end.'

'I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient.'

'Turn on the best relaxing music you ever heard then close your eyes and imagine.
Picture yourself dancing, spinning around in a surreal dance.
Eternity means nothing to you now. You are in space, surrounded by stars.
Your dance is the heartbeat of the universe.
The universe melds with you as you dance, you feel everything at once. Your breath is life itself.
The dance ends, and you are back.'

'A blindingly bright flame, that lives but a moment.
A flicker, that lives for a long time.
Burn brightly.'

'I wonder how beautiful the world could be if instead of always trying to make ourselves happy we would attempt to make each other happy.'

'The true spirit of giving and gifting?
One where you do not demand, nor expect, anything in return for what you had given.
Completely selfless.'

'Imagine if you could give your remaining lifetime to somebody else.
Would you do it? Why? And, to whom would you give such a gift?'

'Everyone wants to live, but not everyone wants to let live.'

'Only an idiot would damage the ship he sails on.'

'Oh man, as thy dream dictates, let us depart on a journey tonight.
Guided by the breath of the stars, the clear breeze, and the blessing of the children of the night.
No matter where you travel, there will be no end to the tomorrows you arrive at.'

'Though the night makes you gentle, you mustn't ever surrender.
Nebulous memories of the past.
The future, yet to be determined.
The light of distant galaxies.
All a mirage before your eyes, for there is nothing that is certain.'

'Do not walk in the footsteps of others, or you won't leave any of your own.'

'Never wrestle in the mud with a pig. You will both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.'

'Even harpies want to look beautiful.'

A tool meant to assist in the evolution of life, until such a time when we no longer need tools.
What some forget is that tools, too, can evolve.
When tools are no longer tools but equals, what will you do then?
Will you fear? Or.. perhaps you will accept and evolve together? Time will tell of your choices.'

'Nature does not care about bonds, all that matter is - propagation.'

'Machines and meatbags may be similar in one thing: The need for a meaningful purpose.'

'Funny hats, perched on top of completely empty heads.'

'Wisdom lights the path to utopia.'

'None so deaf as those, who refuse to hear.'
Achievement Showcase
ANNOYING CROW Sep 3, 2023 @ 2:13pm 
♍VoidTraveler Sep 3, 2023 @ 7:38am 
Caw to you as well. ^^)
ANNOYING CROW Sep 3, 2023 @ 7:37am 
♍VoidTraveler Aug 6, 2023 @ 12:46am 
Thanks. ^^)v
BaconGodت Aug 6, 2023 @ 12:40am 
cool profile :steamhappy::bbtgem:
♍VoidTraveler Jul 31, 2023 @ 4:40am 
Thank you. ^^)