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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.2 hrs on record
Posted: May 8, 2016 @ 3:18pm
Updated: Jun 12, 2017 @ 1:13pm

UPDATE: No updates in about a year, avoid.

The motion of this game in VR is very disorienting and gets me and others who tried it very sick very fast. That needs to somehow be corrected.

Moving with the VR controller doesn't make any sense. It doesn't change direction based on where you're facing, this gets disorienting fast, causing a lot of deaths just because of the controls. Forward should always move you forward etc. Right now it's locked for north, south, east, west.

There's a lot of missed potential with VR. Why can't I reach out and grab a lever? A button press? Same for swinging your sword, a button press. That's weak. It's the little things that make VR satisfying, and this game misses the point entirely.

Combat seems janky and the movement of the enemies doesn't seem in line with VR, It's very hard to dodge attack ETC it feels like you're supposed to just move back with the controller, again, missing the point of why VR is so good.

Other than that it's a decent old school grid based dungeon crawler, it just needs to be worked out for VR a lot better, so it gets a thumbs down until everything is worked out.
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