ClarK   Florida, United States
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T-Bo 9 Thg04 @ 7:38pm 
-rep a man child and wont stop yapping
KAICENGYATT 4 Thg03 @ 8:02pm 
-REP sucks ♥♥♥♥
KAICENGYATT 4 Thg03 @ 8:01pm 
extremely annoying manchild who goes afk for 5 rounds, never stops talking, and then runs up a ladder with an awp to try and noscope someone and gets knifed, then spends the rest of the game blaming his teammate when hes bottom frag. 70 iq gamer.
Buy my items 28 Thg01 @ 6:01pm 
Extremely annoying never stops talking/typing in chat hes a mad little manchild
nuggethead 24 Thg01 @ 7:45pm 
extremely annoying manchild who goes afk for 5 rounds, never stops talking, and then runs up a ladder with an awp to try and noscope someone and gets knifed, then spends the rest of the game blaming his teammate when hes bottom frag. 70 iq gamer.
Multi 17 Thg01 @ 7:41pm 
+rep likes tibbies