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Recent reviews by Pailhead

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202.2 hrs on record (166.6 hrs at review time)
"An FPS with a dash of RPG leveling up in it-- along with boatloads of zombies, gore, and funny British people. You will frequently play with stoner metal head kids who will ponder zombies as a symbol of our society's lack of substance, pervasive psychological alienation, and slavery to greater (corporate, government, etc.) forces. Between tokes of weed and transforming into a zombie slaughtering machine amidst waves of rotting corpses, you will ask yourself, "Who truly is the zombie here?". Also after playing this game, you will be thoroughly convinced any game that doesn't have metal music playing in the background is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. A breath of fresh air in a barren video game wasteland full of angry competitive FPS gamers, MMO nerds with B.O., and weird Asian kids who are good at everything. A true triumph of the human spirit...9.7/10."
Posted December 20, 2010.
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