Homestar Dec 12, 2023 @ 5:37pm 
Hey man, did you get Tyrone out of jail yet?
ShadyJ Mar 13, 2016 @ 5:15pm 
Zero hour. The point of no return.

One must ask himself, at a certain point in his life, if he belives that the button on the microwave that says "stop time" is a mere tool to cease the radiation of food, or a literal interpretation of what happens to the multiverse when utilized. If the realization of this feature is the latter, what are we doing -- imposing our will upon countless trillion lives? Shall we insist that the ability to stop our popcorn 30 seconds early is more important than the livlyhood of other beings?

We must be demons to them. Stopping time, whenever it suits our needs. Do they freeze? Are the concious of what is happening? What happens if we dont press start again? Are the simply suspended until someone resumes the "cooking" of their snack food (or dinner, depending on your income)?

I argue this point, absolute in nature, because there can be no other explanation.

Stand with me, brother.

Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Free the slaves of the microwave.
WolfgangVonSuck Jul 28, 2013 @ 6:47pm 
{TDC}Wintel[FTA] Jan 1, 2013 @ 8:22pm 
Getting my cheevos
[FeC] Sunny_Bunny29 Mar 17, 2012 @ 9:09am 
Hello :)
WolfgangVonSuck Mar 4, 2012 @ 12:03pm 
We made eye contact a few times, and I thought you were so beautiful. While I was dancing with someone else you came up behind me and danced naughtily with my ass. I thought you were one of my friends, so I didn't turn around to see who it was for a bit, but when I did, you kissed me and ran away! Let me know if you want to hang out sometime:)
WolfgangVonSuck Feb 8, 2012 @ 6:44pm 
You are a blond female who wore jeans and a purple down vest last night at the Sunset Kabuki, watching "The Artist" with your female friend. I too was there with a platonic friend. You and I glanced at each other several times - - when I first walked in to the lobby, when you ascended the stars, and in auditorium #4. You seem interesting! And I'd like to meet you. Please reply with a description of my appearance - as detailed as you can, please - and I'll happily connect with you. Thanks!
WolfgangVonSuck Jan 5, 2012 @ 5:56pm 
You work at the high's gas station in logan village shopping center ,Saw you in your tight jeans (nice ass) was walking around the store and our eyes met a couple of times when i got to the counter you ajusted you self and asked me if i needed anything else i was going to ask for your number but someone walked in . i found out you only work fri ,sat and sun nights i will stop in again .just wish i could bend over the counter for you looked like you were super hung the way it hung down your leg.
WolfgangVonSuck Nov 29, 2011 @ 1:04pm 
You were outside the Target this afternoon on break leaning against the wall smoking. I came outside and was waiting for someone to check out. I glanced over at you and noticed how hot you are. Medium build, dark features, dark're probably late 20s - early 30s. You caught me looking at stared back. Hard. Then the person I was waiting for came out and we headed for the lot. You were going back in the store but I turned around and you were staring back at me.....let's chat....tell me what I was wearing to get this going.
WolfgangVonSuck Nov 8, 2011 @ 6:16pm 
Thank you for making my morning everyday between 7:30-7:50 we cross paths most mornings. You have the most stunning legs and wear the sexiest heels. Today you had black nylons on (pantyhose or thigh highs was the debate in my head all day), and sexy red maryjane heels. You drive a silver G6 and you are a goddess.
WolfgangVonSuck Oct 16, 2011 @ 2:54pm 
I came and asked you for carryout plastic knives , you kindly got me one . You work there at Panera and I think you are totally HOT ! You had tattoos on your shoulder , you made me so horny just looking into your eyes. I sure hope you see this and mail me back. We could have alot of fun together !
WolfgangVonSuck Oct 8, 2011 @ 5:06pm 
It was between about 1-2pm Friday afternoon in the restroom closest to Burlington. You were are the urinal all the way on the right and I came in and used the urinal 2 over to the left from you. You had a military hair cut and a nice clock and falls!! Love the way you looked in those dress pants! I think you realized that I was checking you out and when another dude came in and used the urinal between us. I had on a black shirt and jeans, you were in dress clothes. Would love to meet up with you and take care of that for you if you are up for it. Clean and discrete here. Hit me up if interested!
WolfgangVonSuck Sep 24, 2011 @ 5:44pm 
Hey - saw you working out, then we messed around in the sauna around 3 PM Saturday. A few other guys were in there . You're very hot. If interested, what did I say to you when I was leaving the locker room? Hit me up...
WolfgangVonSuck Aug 27, 2011 @ 1:53pm 
You were brunette, seated had a Gucci bag, white earbud headphones. I was standing, blue dress shirt, grey slacks, glasses, scruffy beard. We both exited at the Atlantic Avenue stop.

Would love to hear from you.
WolfgangVonSuck Aug 8, 2011 @ 1:52pm 
I saw you at the end of the block today (Monday) as I walked up panting from doing a run in 90-degree weather. You looked back at me. I turned the corner and saw you get, then get out, then get into your car. I went into the deli but it was too late--a true missed connection. You had a blue t-shirt and jeans on, and looked as good up close as from halfway down the block . . . :)
WolfgangVonSuck Jul 24, 2011 @ 1:09pm 
You are the swimming instructor for kids at a swimming pool in Douglaston Parkway. My daughter comes to this pool. I like your nature, always smiling and working hard for kids. I said "Thank you" to you on Sunday, July 24 after the class was over. Email if you wanna be my friend and tell me about me, what I was wearing or any clue that will help me to understand that its you.
WolfgangVonSuck Jul 14, 2011 @ 7:46am 
Hello, we talked in December 2009 one time and I saw you a few times after that on the no. 9 bus heading to the Berkeley Marina. I should have gotten your phone number or asked you out. I thought I would see again but it did not happen. I used to ride the bus on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday going to work. I am driving now but I think you and your loving smile. I know you don't eat meat and your name is Lisa and you work at food/shelter place. I remember your name because it is burn into my head with your smile. This is a long shot and I thought I would never post here, but here I am looking for you and wondering. Do I have to ride the no. 9 bus all day to find you again? I would need a lot of quarters for true love.
{TDC}Wintel[FTA] Jul 2, 2011 @ 11:06am 
Getting my free tickets