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The Hand of God Sees All Evil
The sun shines brighter in the north than in the areas of cold. Far away there are men and women, forty to be exact, within the stars and the sea. Many think they stand a chance, a chance they do not stand. Standing before their makeshift God, as if he has any right to call himself that. The wind whispers voices into their minds each call louder than the next. What does it mean? Nothing. It means nothing. Nothing means nothing even though nothing in and of itself is nothing but a cacophony of sounds etched into the air by our throats. So they continued to stand as all that they believed was judged by the hand. One starts to pray, to whom do you pray the fingered beast asked. Whomever will respond. Who would respond? To a ball of cells jumbled together and held together by peptide bonds. Whatever that may mean.

All meaning is given nothing is born with meaning. Such wise words for something I deem meaningless. Clever, but don't you find meaning in your life? No, I just fear death. Who doesn't? Those with meaningful lives probably. Another started to rock back and forth, she started to scream. Shut up. This is no time to be screaming. Think. And so she did, she sat there with her thoughts thinking to her wits end, and for what. Because someone told her too. Ironic, if we were never told how to think would we be nothing more than apes? Would it take another thousand years for us to figure it out? Who even are you? Who the ♥♥♥♥ are you even talking to? Hey, watch your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tone. I'm trying to figure this out. What? Whatever this guy is saying. A bell rings. Hey guys I just made a new religion it's about this cool hand with an eye on it. Wow, that's never been done before. Shut up, it looks cool and a bit menacing. The words grew louder. Who are you talking to. Who are you talking to. Who are you talking to. Why do I have to talk to someone, why can't I just talk? Do you need to speak to someone in order to speak, why not speak for the sake of speaking.

Boy, have you forgotten who you stand before? Oh, sorry I was deep in thought. Or was I in deep thought? You dare wander when in a place like this? What else would I do, my life is over, I need some time to think if it was worth it. Ironic, I have no time that's why it's over. So then where am I? Am I dead? You are whatever you think you are the hand responded. Who are you then? I'm nothing. Nothing, there it is again, what an unfathomable concept. Nothing. I'm not sure anymore. It's funny some may think there's no meaning behind this but there is. I can see the meaning you cannot. Does that make it meaningless? How can that be if I gave it meaning? In a sense I gave it life, it lives within my mind. If only we could live mind alone. Where is the mind? Can you see it? Smell it? Shut up Descartes, you're overthinking it. It's all fake. It's all man made. All the words for the things you think you know, all the concepts and explanations. But it's true isn't it. Some of it probably, a lot of it actually. Some have to be wrong. There's no fathomable way we creatures famous for our mistakes are one hundred percent right about everything.

Here's a clever question. What? Sorry I went deep into deep thought again. Still, I think you should hear this since we're here anyways. The hand seemed angry. So if the environment is in danger, how can we save it? There's numerous ways, there's research papers and articles all over the web. Doesn't matter. It's impossible. Well it's possible but, impossible. If we were told to stop littering to save the environment, it's a statistical fact that someone will keep littering. Even if the world was two cans away from blowing up. Obviously littering isn't the only thing that causes the environment to deteriorate. There's CO2 emissions, chemical dumping, waste management, etc. Point is you can't stop people unless you control them that includes big corporations and government bodies. But no one wants to be controlled. I don't want to be controlled. Ironic because people are controlled by a lot of things. Religion, vices, material things. We're doomed to fail. So we should just say ♥♥♥♥ it? Yeah, unless you can think of a better solution. Why are you telling me this? The hand bellowed. Oh my bad. I did it again. The girl screamed again. I guess she was done thinking. Well, find anything? She continued to scream. God I wish she'd just shut up. And then I woke up. Imagine that's how it ends, you wake up again and again and again and again. Reliving the same endless nightmare or dream that is your life. The hand doesn't exist, but it did look pretty cool in my head. Everything's nicer in my head.

Hey are you okay? She stared blankly into my eyes. Her worried face slowly turned into amused. She started to laugh. Oh my god are you high? What are you on? Can I have some? Stupid ♥♥♥♥♥. Shut up. Can't you see I just poured my heart out for you? I'm not high I'm elevated. She was taken aback. Great. It's not my fault. She ruined our first date not me. Pathetic, she's drunk in her own vices and she doesn't even realize it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm better than her. People just don't listen like they used to. I get up and take the plate of Surf N Turf with me. She's outraged. Really you're going to leave me with the bill? Wow, that's what you're worried about? I just gave you profound knowledge and you're worried about some stigma from the last century? Are you high? Of course I'm not going to pay the bill and I'm not going to drive you home either. She started crying. For what? There's people dying and suffering all over the world and she's crying over a restaurant bill. Unreal. How self centered can you get? If you can't pay then just leave what are they going to do? Stop you? I stuff my face with the Surf N Turf and walk towards her. What? You want to phone a friend? Eyes pierced my back, everyone was staring. Great, now she made a scene. How about ask the audience? I munched on the Surf N Turf in her ear. Tears flowed down her eyes. I left the building.

Engrossed, final answer.
Salty Jun 1, 2022 @ 11:00pm 
go outside