John (Game Name DocHolliday)   Columbus, Ohio, United States
Email: Or, just add me here.
I do still play music, I've got some videos on YouTube, you can find them:
Currently Offline
{XF} Indy Dec 31, 2011 @ 8:37am 
Happy New Year Doc.. Hope its a fun one, and hope all is good with ya... cheers man
April Syrup Aug 13, 2011 @ 8:32pm 
DocHolliday Jun 5, 2011 @ 4:15pm 
Been rockin it out on the BattleGrounds! I play there exclusively. Just as I played exclusively on GP2 WAY back to you old timers! If ya play TF2 you owe it to yourself to come jam! is the server address, come on! I'd LOVE to have you in a screener of your gibs! ;-) Web Site =
DocHolliday May 4, 2011 @ 10:35pm 
Reminds me of old times ;-) Up till the wee hours playing TF2, what used to be TFC to you newer peeps. God only knows what kind of hell I could bring IF we had our grenades back. My only real beef with TF2 is the missing nades. If huh? Perhaps in the future Valve will code them back in for a Holiday surprise. Then again maybe a 3rd eye will grow out of my head. Not likely either way. So be it, this game is sufficient for now. Come join us on the Battlegrounds servers, quality play, every day!
DocHolliday Mar 23, 2011 @ 7:45pm 
Thank you sir. I've been having a lot of fun with it. Been off the last few days, but looks like a good day to game!
{XF} Indy Mar 10, 2011 @ 2:34pm 
Hey Doc, i see ya been jaming on tf2.. Glad ya see ya back gaming again....hope ur good and cya soon....