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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 190.9 hrs on record (122.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 15, 2017 @ 3:52pm
Updated: Apr 15, 2017 @ 3:54pm

Very much a mixed bag of a game. There's some truly beautiful potential there, and if you can look past its faults you can see it.

+World looks great.
+Main campaign, levels 1-30, are pretty fun.
+Gameplay is pretty tight and smooth. The cover system works well.
+Co-op is fun, if a little shallow.
+Survival DLC is a very cool expansion with entirely new gameplay.
+Underground DLC is a fun co-op experience, despite the bullet-sponge enemies.

-Many enemies are bullet-sponges that take hundreds of headshots to kill. This is pretty disappointing for a Tom Clancy title.
-PvP is kind of a mess.
-Technical issues that usually aren't game-breaking, but are still annoying.
-Repetitive at times. Once you're through the main 1-30 leveling stretch and there's no more main missions, it starts to feel grindy.

Rating: B-
IMO better than the current reviews, but that's because expectations were so high to begin with, and it's not a cheap game. If you can get it all on a good sale like I did the value is much better. I think if I pre-ordered this at full price I wouldn't be recommending it and rating would be more like D+.

Also note that I only started playing more recently, so I've only played since the recent patches.
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