Budster   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
I've got 60+ idiot ranked game smirfers/cheaters/hackers and pathetic trolls perm banned... to all those who cant seem to behave in ranked... i will report you on the spot no second chances. i do not care in any way shape or form...

DO NOT SMIRF IN RANKED, its griefing lower rank players and defeats the purpose of equal skilled match making!

DO NOT CHEAT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM...I.E. AIM HACKS OR WALLS, again its griefing players and making the match unfun! NO EXCUSES!

DO NOT ABUSE THE KICK SYSTEM, kicking someone because they arn't as good as you IS NOT A VALID REASON TO KICK, just because your a nerd playing 24/7 doesn't mean others need to... abusing the kick system will get you reported on the spot! NO EXCEPTIONS!

DERANKING IS 1000% unacceptable and will get you reported on the spot NO EXCEPTIONS! i do not care at all... lowering your rank by throwing ruins the game for your team mates... have the brains to realize this if you don't enjoy your ban!

Trading in ranked will get you reported on the spot if/when you are asked to stop and continue doing so...
thank you for understanding and upholding the rules.
Currently Offline
BMiBudzYT Apr 13, 2022 @ 3:50am 
@Ghost aka Eclipse on discord ... lie all you want on your profile buddy but i have screenshots too and they really show how much of a sad sad pathetic human you are... p.s i'm not banned on cycle discord buddy get your facts right i have another account all you achieved is exposing what i though to be decent gms of a game to actually being corrupt and pathetic ones... who are wrongfully abusing their power

keep being mad coz i didnt like the terrible games you played buddy everyone i showed this too who isnt as childish and pathetic as you agree with me that your are pathetic with no life... i still have everything and all you have is wasting time trying to screw me over LOL
BMiBudzYT May 2, 2020 @ 2:59am 
arctiicAU perm banned on faceit for cheating - game exploiting!!
BMiBudzYT May 2, 2020 @ 2:59am 
Kiladen perm banned on faceit for cheating - game exploiting!!
BMiBudzYT Apr 14, 2020 @ 10:14pm 
ThRaShA15 VAC banned csgo cheating and kick abusing :D
BMiBudzYT Apr 9, 2020 @ 4:35am 
Sicee perm banned on faceit for cheating more and more idiots GONE!!