FLEURDELYS XIII Aug 14, 2012 @ 2:57am 
Hey, GSC, a small game developement company gave rights to my good friend Balazs to use the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game logo on his great books. They had accorded him permission to use the logo on his books. That event was about 2 years ago. But, since 2011 my friend Balazs is now fighting with GSC because they suddenly wanted to remove his books from the shelfs because they say it was "copyright". But he...had received permission from them to publish his books with their logo. Now Balazs has tried different ways of making GSC happy, but they demand that he removes all his books from the shelves. I ask of you to share this post and to show this buisness will not have control over this community.

-Justin Lister

P.S. If anyone knows a lawyer in California please let me (Justin) know.
MoMo Mar 20, 2011 @ 10:20am 
Hey man you've missed a crap laod of stuff on the server get on ASAP soo i can show you our new updates (theres 11 including a gold/trade system but its still needs improving)
[©€]OMG ITS [TEHWARMUFFIN] Feb 22, 2011 @ 10:55pm 
[©€]OMG ITS [TEHWARMUFFIN] Feb 15, 2011 @ 10:50pm 