alex 2.5.2015 klo 17.44 
Maybe there's a switch in one of the rooms! REMIND ME TO CHECK!
Rascus 12.10.2014 klo 8.23 
+rep, great trader, knows his stuff!
iheals 2.10.2014 klo 17.39 
+rep super awesomely patient trader. <3
Justin 30.9.2014 klo 19.16 
+rep A+ fast trade
D3xus 27.9.2014 klo 7.27 
+rep, fast and polite user. :)
nurgle 12.9.2014 klo 18.52 
Dreameater Snipechin 30.8.2014 klo 15.04 
+rep Quick and professional trader
DIABLO CODY 19.2.2014 klo 21.11 
Don Newman <3
toledompm 1.2.2014 klo 18.55 
+rep good trader
alex 10.12.2013 klo 11.23 
but Don, I sell drugs to the community!
Massy 13.11.2013 klo 22.42 
i'm interested in your vivid k.e. whenever you have some free time can you pm me so we can talk? thanks in advance.
๖ۣۜҬǿmasۣۜะ 3.10.2013 klo 21.09 
+Rep patient and a great trader.
Sandap 30.9.2013 klo 22.59 
alex 23.9.2013 klo 18.05 
Why is he a lumberjack?
Aitchy 21.8.2013 klo 19.44 
+ rep, awesome trader
gnappm 1.2.2013 klo 16.18 
+rep good trader.
HimSelf 10.1.2013 klo 17.39 
+ rep! I mean it's Don Newman!
Kaiju 2.11.2012 klo 21.35 
++rep. excellent trader, very patient
Kaffee Sahne 29.7.2012 klo 10.45 
Love you, man.
Cyithrel 13.7.2012 klo 15.22 
dat avatar, 10/10
vinny v 15.10.2011 klo 17.18 
don never asked for this.
RealSeal 12.7.2011 klo 9.59 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Don, Parliamntary Supremacy was.....supreme! :D
cowbeef 2.7.2011 klo 10.54 
Thicc Yo$hi 10.6.2011 klo 21.08 
Your entry should have won! ;) It was my favorite.
bombardactyl 8.6.2011 klo 15.12 
Please choose the appropriate comment:
1. Congrats on winning a Saxxy, Don!
2. Darn! Better luck next year, Don!
kerbs 6.6.2011 klo 11.58 
Grats on getting in the finals!
newnight 25.2.2011 klo 13.57 
Small little fun fact

If you youtube search Don Newman, tf2 and pyro pop up before anything that deals with the real don newman :D
vinny v 21.11.2010 klo 14.04 
get a cat. name it "brooooadcaaaat". that is all.
Mr. Hollywood 21.9.2010 klo 10.28 
The great Don Newman, how have you been good sir? :D
The Bus Driver 18.8.2010 klo 7.02 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ vacations. How do they work?
Eve of the West 2.8.2010 klo 18.22 
You are indeed a GENTLE ♥♥♥♥♥ of LEISURE. However, the quality and breadth of my hats surely beats your own quantity of hats, qualitatively.
Nonamo 25.7.2010 klo 21.46 
Is this the broadcast?
Palehorse864 7.7.2010 klo 7.31 
Valve should just give you a golden axe, but that would impinge on someone else's copyright.
{AoH} Sgt Mr. Tex!!!! [TPM] 13.4.2010 klo 20.19 
٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶ __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡.
Enzo Leon 3.4.2010 klo 22.17 
Your IQ must be near 0 with those 2 going " EYE WUV JOO" on your head...
newnight 30.3.2010 klo 0.58 
...oh wow, i just noticed that brain slug
Eve of the West 24.3.2010 klo 8.22 
You gorra Brain Slug. Nice.
Shamus_Aran 22.3.2010 klo 11.05 
I ubersaw'd you. In the back. It must have been a bit humiliating.
Halcyon 19.2.2010 klo 20.46 
Don Newman was a skilled Pyro, with everything going his way! Then one day he was hit by an unforseen twist of fate. He was turned into... A Medic! And he's finding out that being a Medic isn't as easy as it looks! The humor will saw through your funny bone and the wackyness will heal it right back up. Don Newman is... The Medic! Rated PG-13.
newnight 17.2.2010 klo 16.12 
Strip this broadcast of all hats!
The Bus Driver 1.1.2010 klo 12.08 
The zombies miss you
saiko 10.12.2009 klo 7.59 
"It must have been a bit...
Pandamonium 9.12.2009 klo 15.54 
Hats off to your "The Real Deal" achievement!
MegaMan | 2200mbit 5.12.2009 klo 14.02 
don newman is awesome!!
DeadHer0! 7.10.2009 klo 7.29 
I'm in love with you...
Halloween 12.7.2009 klo 0.57 
If barbie is so popular why do you have to buy her friends?
ATF_Neuro || 3.7.2009 klo 14.45 
Don Newman you da man <3 and a hug!
FuzzyDeath 27.6.2009 klo 18.19 
Don Dewman will axes you if your dead!!!