Ricky   Middleton, Nova Scotia, Canada
♥♥♥♥ OFF MR Layhe!
Currently Offline
A link is only as long as your longest strong chain [A chain is only as strong as its weakest link)
Awkwardly Situation (Awkward situation)
Beauty is in the eye when you hold her (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
Bottle of joy (Bundle of joy)
Burn the hatchet at both ends (Bury the hatchet & burn the candle at both ends)
Can you give me a bit of credjudice? (Can you give me a bit of credit?)
Carbonator (Carburetor)
Catch 23 situation (Catch 22 situation)
Cherry Trees (Charity)
Child Reports (Child support)
Looks like a tropical earthquake blew through here (Looks like a hurricane blew through here)
Crop of ♥♥♥♥ (Crock of ♥♥♥♥)
Cubic Zarcarbian (Cubic zirconia)
Decnals (Decals)
Delicately situation (Delicate situation)
Denial and error (Trial and error)
Deerts (Deer)
Disinspect (Disrespect)
Do onto others as you do onto you (Do unto others what you would have other do unto you)
Dressed all over (All dressed)
DVD (DVS) (Detroit Velvet Smooth)
Elemental school (Elementary school)
Escape goat (Scapegoat)
Every kid goes through phrases (Goes through phases)
False Acriminations (False accusations)
Fenis (Fetus) (mistaken for Penis)
Fire Retarded (Fire retardant)
Fill my feet (Fill My Shoes)
Friends with the Benedicts (Friends with benefits)
Flames were golfing (Engulfed in flames)
Flying things (Birds)
Get two birds stoned at once (Kill two birds with one stone)
Golds (Goals)
Good things come to those at the gate (Good things come to those that wait)
Gorilla see, Gorilla do (Monkey see, monkey do)
Gram son (Grandson)
Happy however after (Happily ever after)
Hark attack (Heart attack)
Heart congestion (Indigestion)
Hobillo (Hobo)
Home trees (Home free)
Honesty is just a test policy (Honesty is the best policy)
Honorly system (Honor system)
Hyposuction (Liposuction)
I do trust his judgmental (I do trust his judgement)
I dont have enough people words to make it understand you the way it understands me (I can't think of the right words to say)
I'm an Optometrist (I'm an Optimist)
I'm just stretched out (I'm just stressed out)
I'm not going to put my dad in jeopardization (I'm not going to put my dad in jeopardy)
Incubaker (Incubator)
Indianapolis Jones (Indiana Jones)
Ironland (Ireland)
It's clear to see who makes the pants here (It's clear to see who wears the pants here)
I-surance (Insurance)
It doesn't take rocket appliances (It doesn't take rocket scientists)
I toad a so (I told you so)
Juniper (Jupiter)
Let guy bonds be guy bonds (Let bygones be bygones)
GOOSEY Dec 10, 2018 @ 9:04am 
Im r e t a r d e d
Aug 27, 2015 @ 10:34am 
Every one else but me that posts in this comment section is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and just has agreed to being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥. so if you feel like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ plz leave a comment.. :D