Mo May 13 @ 2:06pm 
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Have a wonderful weekend :SteamHappy:
HEY :SteamHappy:
Wallen Mar 15 @ 9:11pm 
+rep good trader
✪ XANX Mar 11 @ 12:05pm 
gets boosted and thinks he good and calls cheats out on the big dawgs that are better then him
tucker Feb 25 @ 7:53am 
my experience i playing on server someone report me, and i just play normal its not ban, but when i with wallhack start shootin on player through "bushes" or "grass" like i cant visible player without wallhack, and i get insta ban bcs admin that time spectate me. wtf.
decay Feb 22 @ 8:52pm 
+rep hot femboy
lilkbasedgod Feb 16 @ 8:57pm 
-rep boosted
jensonn Feb 10 @ 8:17pm 
Hey I found youw steam thwough a mutuaw and I just wanted to say that I think we couwd get awong weaw weww 🙂 I don't nowmawwy do things wike this cause I'm a weaw gentweman :3, but do you want to maybe pway a bit of cs sometime (omg I'm so embawwassed) >< I couwd go on my smuwf so you don't have to put in that much effowt, even though you'we wike the best and you'ww pwobabwy be on top evewy wound. When I see youw name I just feew wike we have this speciaw connection that I can't descwibe in wowds, I think.. maybe we knew each othew in a past wife xDD wike I can do the cooking and evewything, you don't have to wowwy about that cuz I'm a weaw feminist, but I'ww stiww take cawe of you ❤️ I know how to make a woman feew wike a giww, but I won't do anything that fweaks you out, just say one wowd and I'ww stop so so fast! so maybe just considew me? I can't bewieve I'm wwiting this aww out to you >< !! Even if you weject me it's aww wowth it just fow you, my wuv
thouxandbandman Jan 21 @ 8:50am 
♥♥♥♥ at cs has to get boosted by cheaters to get premier rating
VH Fears Jan 19 @ 8:44am 
20 years of service on steam? 20 years of suffering!
VH Fears Jan 19 @ 8:43am 
10 year coin? 5 year coin? 5 and 10 years of wasted time. thats depressing af.
VH LiquiD Jan 19 @ 8:42am 
10 year coin...10 years wasted
VH LiquiD Jan 19 @ 8:41am 
He's so bad he kept calling me a cheater, i was playing while rusty too.. didnt game for 2 weeks, we were having a bad performance day too. imagine destroying these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ so easily without much effort.
WholeWheatGrandma Jan 10 @ 2:10am 
sucks ass at counter strike. Threw the whole game.
Yehoshua Jan 8 @ 2:53am 