Robert Olender   Sweden

I'm a more casual than hardcore gamer these days I must admit. Still enjoy gaming of course but most of the time I find myself modding in Source.

I'm a lead developer on the HL2 modification Jurassic Life where I model, texture, animate, compile, map, contribute with hopefully good ideas and concepts.
Done some basic sound edits, not really worth mentioning, and edited a few scripts. Work on improving our dialogues but we will eventually need help from creative writers and masters of the English language.
I'm all over the place so to speak except for coding (c++ lua and such) I'd say.

This is my personal moddb where you can see some of my work.

The official moddb page:

Our main site:

My modding journey actually began on CS-Nation and ClanDeadGoat with reskinning weapons for CS 1.6 but also other models within the game. One thing that still comes up to this day in the community is my arm reskin. Always fun to see that some work is lasting and appreciated by fellow gamers!
RobO 2019 年 1 月 6 日 上午 8:21 
Hi Jimmy Nunchuks! Thank you. Happy New Year buddy! :) Hehe. We're not extinct yet, so there's some hope left for things to happen. ;)
Jimmy Nunchuks 2019 年 1 月 1 日 上午 9:41 
Happy New year, Taurus! Wishing a bright future for that om nom dinosaur mod you work on ;)
Jimmy Nunchuks 2014 年 11 月 18 日 下午 7:47 
Robert, a serious issue has surfaced. Please get on soon...
Jimmy Nunchuks 2014 年 6 月 13 日 下午 9:57 
hahaa nice video, Cheese
RobO 2013 年 10 月 31 日 下午 4:36 
Oh and about Zombified... I don't need any makeup for this Halloween, look like a dead man walking already :P