Send me one boob and I will guess what the other looks like
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Thanks to everyone who voted for my skin
23 32 2
Expositor de Workshop
Something something extinguisher Edit: I want to take a second and thank everyone who has either voted for my skin or simply shared it with their friends. We have made it into the game and I am really proud and happy right now! You can find this skin in th
2,802 valoraciones
Estado - Pendiente, Creado por - Sero
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Stone 16 MAY a las 12:54 a. m. 
When you write your most beautiful page in the book of your life, fate with its eternal irony spills ink over the pages that follow. Have a sunny and blessed day, I hug you with love, I trust you, you will succeed, head up.
Stone 21 ENE a las 3:19 a. m. 
When I give up what I am, I become what I could be, don't you wish it was easier and don't give up, I wish you a wonderful and sunny Sunday, and a sincere handshake, Stone.
Pvt.Franky 2 DIC 2023 a las 10:36 p. m. 
hoffe du kommst wie der uli vom fcb in den knast
SYNC 24 SEP 2023 a las 5:32 p. m. 
added to talk
B0ss 0f this Gym 18 SEP 2023 a las 10:13 a. m. 
Ja weissu is gar kein Problem so, wallah. Erst geh isch so um 11:00 los für mein Runde in den 3 verschiedene Sozialwohnungen wo isch jeweils unter andere Name gemeldet bin, dann mach isch Runde bei Tipico mit den Jungs und abends dann bisschen Shishabar und noch Geld für großen kuseng von die Kioske in Umgebung abholen, damit wir die nisch kaputt machen. So alles in alles Gute Leben Bruder, komm in Gruppe, amk!
EdgarSaenz 17 SEP 2023 a las 11:20 a. m. 
Very Cool Profile