The Gift
Robert   United States
*Update 9/18/21*
I plan to pursue being a musical artist as well as the love of my life.
I have decided to keep the future of my video games as only a hobby.
I hope to have made a positive impact on each and every one of you, as well as created a legacy for the Steam community.
I look forward to speaking to you, S1mple.

Love Wishes,
Robert D. Weiss
"The Gift"

*Musical Artist, pursuing the love of my life.*

*The difference in how you and I play, is that while you play a First Person Shooter game, I play a First Person Strategy game."
-Robert D. Weiss

"I have made the mistakes of a re-ta-rd, but learned the lessons of a genius."
-Robert D. Weiss

Contact me at

Robert Weiss
"The Gift"
Counter-Strike 2
Erstellt von - The Gift
6 Bewertungen
In this guide, I will teach you an easy method on how to practice to Bunny Hop. Love, Robert W. "The Gift"
The Gift 28. März um 23:12 
With the release of Counter Strike 2,
I wanted to create a review.

The graphics and the game play are brand new.
But the Counter Strike Series remains true.

And not only have the updates improved.
But the community has too.

So "Good Luck & Have Fun", whether you win or you lose.
And "Thank You For Playing" to each and to every one of you.


Robert W.
"The Gift"
The Gift 22. Nov. 2022 um 18:56 
This Community may have understood me all wrong,
That my intentions playing CS:GO were good all along.

My future is to be with Samantha, and with writing songs,
And so my time playing CS:GO is finished, and I must move on.

I ask of this Community to have faith and to stay strong,
And so when I am logged on, then I will feel like I belong.

Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of the CS:GO Community.


Robert W.
"The Gift"
The Gift 14. Juni 2021 um 15:28 
I love this country, and I have tried joining the Armed Forces in the past. I have wanted so badly to be free of my prison sentence. I have never believed that I am a felon, I just know that something bad happened when I was 20 years old, and I did not even have the ability to testify or hear what my testimony was written as. I believe now, that I was given an insanity plea, and my life has been doomed to nothing since I was nearly born. I am now 30 years old, and I no longer wish to dream, I wish to have a future. A future of friendship, marriage, family, and love. I pray that my future can be with Samantha, and that we can work and communicate through our challenges while falling in love.
Love,Robert D. Weiss
The Gift 14. Juni 2021 um 15:28 
I live there now, and I have been writing music, messaging Samantha on Facebook Messenger, as well as playing Counter Strike.I have been creating this home to be a place where we can live, if she ever meets me. I am trying to make it really special for her, although I do not have the money to do so.All of my bills are currently paid by my father (as far as I know), and at this moment on 6-14-21, I have a negative balance in my bank account, and I am in debt.I love Samantha with all of my heart, and I hope she understands that I have never wished bad for her, and I have always wanted to love her.
The Gift 14. Juni 2021 um 15:28 
I did not understand why, but I did not think that she would ever meet me. I gave away my baseball cards, I left my home, and I went to the Pottstown Hospital to stay for the holidays, as I was ill and I knew how painful the holidays would have been if I were alone. I needed love, and I needed someone to care about me, because I felt abandoned by everyone. At the hospital, Samantha was all I thought about, and I created artwork everyday for her, along with writing the base of my song "Cupcake Lover".When I was released from Pottstown Hospital, I was placed where I am now, in a home I was told to be owned by me, in Ambler, Pennsylvania.
The Gift 14. Juni 2021 um 15:28 
I was young, immature, and I did not know the first thing about a relationship. But the friendship she showed me was at the time that my life fell apart, when I lost everything and everyone, was truly special to me. I was incarcerated right after we separated, and I held onto her friendship and memories of being with her. I treasure her in my heart forever, whether we are just friends, or more one day. I love her and always have. I am so sorry that it may seem like an obsession, where it is my inability to communicate and express my emotions of love towards her.Towards Christmas, I realized that my circumstances were ill, and I most likely would never be able to meet her.