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发布于:2015 年 2 月 17 日 下午 1:04
更新于:2015 年 2 月 17 日 下午 1:05

Imagine a board game where the board "spaces" are cards laid out side-by-side. You move your token from card to card, travelling across them until you reach the end of them. As you "step" on each card, it is revealed. Whatever the card reveals informs the adventure - an ambush by thieves, a mysterious cave, a helpful vendor, it's all randomized and set out under the cards for you to discover.

Now imagine the cards are composed of a deck of cards that YOU build, as well as some cards the "gamemaster" stuffs in there. You don't know what you'll get in your travels, or in what order, and that is the core gameplay.

All combat is resolved in a simple, but elegant, action combat system similar to the Batman Arkham games (WASD, E to "counter", Space to roll, and sometimes # keys for specials) and it's fun. Are you wearing a magic cap that makes your hits explode with gold? Sounds good, until you remember that you revealed the "gold curse" card and the more gold you're carrying the slower you move. Or not! It's up to you.

So far only 4 hours in, absolutely loving it. Why has it taken so long for this kind of action CCG to come out?
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