
Bobgriffon の最近のレビュー

4件中 1-4 を表示
記録時間: 411.5 時間 (レビュー時に392.6時間)
Do you like Vampire Survivors but find that it's too easy these days?

Do you enjoy a challenge?

Do you have strong feelings about potatoes?

This is the game for you if you answered yes to any of these questions.
投稿日 2023年11月24日.
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記録時間: 188.1 時間 (レビュー時に116.3時間)
The best $5 I've ever spent.

Do you like Castlevania?

Do you like surprisingly complex skill and weapon interactions?

Do you like, uh, killing hordes of undead?

If you answered yes to any of these, or not, this is a great game, and that price can't be beat.
投稿日 2022年7月12日.
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9 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 0.4 時間
I really wanted to love this game. It has really great atmosphere, and a unique and interesting art style, that clearly took inspiration from the Dark Souls franchise.

Unfortunately, they were not able to capture the tight controls and rewarding combat that made Dark Souls so successful.

The combat feels floaty and very unsatisfying.

My biggest complaint is the controls though. The default controls, with both keyboard and gamepad, are very awkward, and I found no way to rebind them. It might be possible in the config files somewhere, but there was no way in game that I could find.

Great atmosphere
Interesting, unique art style

Unsatisfying, floaty combat
Awkward, non-rebindable controls
投稿日 2016年7月1日.
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記録時間: 39.3 時間 (レビュー時に27.2時間)
The best vampire game ever made.
投稿日 2014年4月23日.
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4件中 1-4 を表示