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The Fool 8 Jan 2019 @ 4:09am 
Imagine reading a post, but over the course of it the quality seems to deteriorate and it gets wose an wose, where the swenetence stwucture and gwammer rewerts to a pwoint of uttew non swence, an u jus dont wanna wead it anymwore (o´ω`o) awd twa wol owdewl iws jus awfwul (´・ω・`);. bwt tw powost iwswnwt obwer nyet, it gwos own an own an own an own. uwu wanyaa stwop weadwing bwut uwu cwant stop wewding, uwu stwartd thwis awnd ur gwoing two fwinibsh it nowo mwattew wat! uwu hab mwoxie kwiddowo, bwut uwu wibl gwib ub sowon. i cwan wite wike dis fwor owors, swo dwont cwalengbe mii..

… wbats dis??? uwu awe stwill weedinb mwie powost?? uwu habe awot ob detewemwinyanyatiom!! 。◕‿◕。! u habve comopweedid tha pwost, good job!
The Fool 3 Sep 2017 @ 6:53am 
Dear Customer,

We regret to inform you that the card titled "Mommy's Debit" has been declinded your latest purchases due to suspicous activities. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank. The listing follows

- 1x Monster Horse ♥♥♥♥♥ 12' Lubricated Thrusters
- 3x Backdoor Sluts 9
- 1x "Undetectable Aimbot" from AimJunkies
- 6x Magnum condoms
- 5x Bananas
- 1x Small Condom
- 2x Subscription to JakeChillz Minecraft stream
- 1x Deag's Rust Career
- 1x ♥♥♥ Poster

Please respond back to us using your old email:

Thanks for your patience,
shad 23 Feb 2017 @ 9:18pm 
yeah the injectors
Im OLD 14 Feb 2017 @ 11:04pm 
Sick lad! >:)