10 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 95.0 hrs on record (67.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 14, 2014 @ 6:29pm

An excellent return to the formula of the original isometric CRPGs of the past, Wasteland 2 is a worthy successor to its fargone original. Mostly.

There are a few moments of derp-dome come again with characters that simply don't fit in the game, but overall it has a good story and excellent gameplay. Bugs do occur, but the developers have released fixes promptly enough to satisfy my needs.

Overall, I enjoyed the playthrough and the challenge of its "Supereme Jerk" difficulty. While there are issues with the balance of the game (namely, assault rifle weapons are god-like, while pistols are mostly useless) and the game does use a simplistic toughening/weakening of the enemies and player respectively for its 'difficulty' scaling, it was certainly a well executed, if not perfect, recall to the early years of RPGs.
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