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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 5.7 hrs on record
Posted: May 25, 2014 @ 5:55pm

Blood of the Werewolf is a 2D action platformer in the same vein as games such as Castlevania, Megaman, and Shinobi. Given that my favorite genres are beatm 'em ups and action platformers, I had to give this a try. Plus, gothic settings that don't have you playing as a vampire or fighting hordes of zombies interest me greatly. I'm tired of that ♥♥♥♥. Where's my Frankenstein game, damnit!

This game is...good. It's not great, it's not fantastic, but it's not bad either. The gothic setting with all of your favorite classic movie monsters such as Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon all appear and the control is very tight on this platformer. The mechanic of switching between wolf and human form, each with their own strengths and abilities leads to fun, and clever platforming challenges...for the most part. More on that later. The music is really good, but not very memorable unfortunately and the graphics are great solely because it's not "RETRO PIXELS!!!11!!!111!!" These developers actually took the time to make models. The only negatives about the art design I can say are the little between level cutscenes. The headshots of the characters, particularly the main one are...poorly drawn to say the least.

Now for the bad. This game boasts a return to NES style challenging platforming. NES games were difficult because of poor design choice, hardware limitations, and developers not entirely sure of what they were doing at the time. Thus, this game suffers because of choices to make bad level design. This is very prevalent in the Skyrail level. Poor enemy placement making otherwise easy jumps next to impossible, wind mechanics pushing against you at seemingly random intervals, and auto scrolling segments. Not to mention a lot of trial and error gameplay and occasional leaps of faith. While the game has its highs as far as level design and platforming goes, it has a fair share of lows as well. You have infinite lives and checkpoints are everywhere, but it gets tedious after a while. That said, I will gladly admit that the boss fights are very well done and very fair. Easily the high point of the game for me.

The only other real problem I have with this game is that when in wolf form there seems to be some hitbox issues. The attack is deceiving and doesn't reach out nearly as much as it would appear. This never becomes too glaring, but it can lead to taking some unfair hits.

Overall, I recommend this game if you're a fan of action platformers. The settings and levels are very well done and memorable enough to come back to. The game will be frustrating at times but it has enough going for it that I can see myself playing through it again, especially because I know what to expect now. Still not looking forward to Skyrail again though.

I would give this game a 7.5/10 easily.
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Weeman May 25, 2014 @ 8:05pm 
Wow. I thought that was only half as long.