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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 14.4 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 7, 2016 @ 8:06pm
Updated: Jan 14, 2016 @ 2:31pm

Okay, so there are things that need tweaking but now that I have played a little more and actually talked to the developer, this gets a positive review. It is hard these days to even get feedback from a developer but this one goes out of his way to make sure people are happy and heard. I have faith the game will be balanced and tweaked to satisfaction in the future.

This game actually gets kind of addicting after a while, give it a few seasons, they don't take very long.

My old review (which still holds relevance): At first this was a very novel idea and something I would be highly interested in. I love management games. I am finding that having an extremely good fighter who is much better than your oppoenet matters very little more often that it probably should. I am also finding that you do not have very much influence over the development of your fighters, it is pretty much random. This game feels a lot like you have very little control over what is happening at all. It is a great concept, it just needs more ability to actually control the development of your fighters.
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Developer response:
SimProseStudios  [developer] Posted: Jan 7, 2016 @ 8:10pm
Did you play with the latest patch 1.1? This makes some adjustments to combat so that fights make more "sense" and better fighters tend to win a little more often, in response to comments similar to yours. More stuff is planned to be added as well.
Six Jan 7, 2016 @ 9:37pm 
Just figured out that 36-13-2 is actually 49 matches, the last 2 are kills lol. Still a small smaple size though.
Six Jan 7, 2016 @ 9:21pm 
Good point, my sample size right now is 51 matches with a far superior galdiator. His record is 36-13-2, but he is so far superior that I just cannot grasp how he lost 13. I agree it is a tough balance and as a game designer myself I do not envy your position to find a good balance.

By controlling his fate I meant to say that it would be nice to have more control over how he develops than just setting his training and waiting to see if his attributes go up or not or seding him on a quest and waiting to see the outcome.
SimProseStudios Jan 7, 2016 @ 8:56pm 
Thanks for the reply! The thing is, it's a tough balance. Should the guy with the bigger stats win every time? That would make the game a little dull and predictable, I think.

In my 60 match test, the guy with the bigger total stats won 44 times (2 of the other 16 were due to injury). I think that's definitely "controlling" a gladiator's fate and having the matches make sense, with enough variation so that it doesn't become predictable.
Six Jan 7, 2016 @ 8:27pm 
I bought the game this evening (Jan.7) so I assume the patch is automatic. It is nice to see a response from the developer. I am the type to revisit games after updates and I promise to change my review if the issues I have shared here are addressed. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my review.