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게시 일시: 2016년 8월 28일 오후 5시 05분

The Beginner's Guide is less of a game, and more a movie that you walk around in. But what a bloody good movie it is. A story based on The Stanley Parable creator Davey Wreden's turbulent life in the midst of his game's overwhelming praise and critical attention; made engaging, suspenseful and delivered flawlessly.

Some might feel that £6.99 is unacceptable for a game that lasts only 80 to 90 minutes. Myself, I've gotten far more out of this game than many I have paid considerably more for. The premise drew me in, made me feel things and left me with so much to think about, things that rattled around my head for days after completing it. Not many games seem to be able to do this, and to me, anything that can is truly special.

The less you know about The Beginner's Guide, the better. I'd recommend you just go buy it.

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