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Yayınlanma: 28 Ara 2015 @ 6:17

Whilst the original Trapped Dead was a huge disappointment, this (sequel? remake? reimagining?) is made by a different studio. Thoughts of the original game colored my impression of this for quite a while, however about 8 levels in I realised I was really enjoying myself and found it hard to put down. Sure it's got some flaws: the movie compression is ugly, the voice acting is terrible (and I hardly ever think that even when everyone else goes), the storyline is incomplete and meandering and references events and details which were never previously discussed, NPCs are completely unrealistic, but you don't come to this game for the story. The action is fun and that's what counts. Gameplay wise, I don't think I'd play this multiple times to unlock all the achievements with multiple classes, and there's probably too much inventory juggling, but apart from that it's a good blast. Don't expect some wonderful polished experience like Shadowgrounds, this is not that good, but it's not garbage like the first Trapped Dead either. Pick this up on sale and it's a good buy.
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