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Posted: Mar 21, 2016 @ 2:23pm

Holy sh**, that was fun!

I've always been very cautious about this particular game. Sure, it got high reviews but I've never agreed with IGN on a review for a game ever, and I was always comfortable with my familiar Tomb Raider game formula... but damn!

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a very Diablo-esque game, wherein you control a character in a top-down perspective, fight hordes of demons, and loot tombs for special upgrades and treasures you can manage in your inventory. Except Guardian of Light is more interested in progressing through linear levels, which I personally prefer.

The game's story sucks. Random thought, but yeah. It's absolutely trash. It's rushed, the characters aren't interesting, and Xolotl is one of the most yawn-inducing villains I've seen ever. But, to be fari, Guardian of Light isn't interested in story... it's interested in gameplay.

The gameplay is excellent. You move fluidly, puzzles are excellently laid out, and combat with hundreds of enemies on screen feels as hectic as it does therapeutic. And the different artifacts and upgrades are actually useful, so breaking off from the main level to do a five-minute puzzle is both hazard-free and can end up benefiting you later in the level.

And the icing on the cake is the graphics. You can tell that the cutscenes were made on a budget- as the camera always conveniently hides behind Totec and Lara whenever they talk, but the actual in-game graphics for the enemies, levels, and textures on everything look very pretty. If your a graphics-snob, this game does look very nice.

Despite the story sucking so bad, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is one of the best Tomb Raider games in the series. It's game play is new, as it is polished to a mirror shine, with the player's intuition in mind. I highly recommend this fun, little game, and I'm giving it a 7/10
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