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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 22.2 hrs on record
Posted: Nov 10, 2015 @ 4:04pm

I will start this by saying that I was introduced to the Ys series via Falcom's other main series "The Legend of Heroes"; that being said, this is a complete change of pace, so if you are expecting something along similar veins, just know that it's different, good, but different.
The next thing to note is that the game's bosses can be balls-to-the-walls difficult. Perhaps I'm just a casual, and I probably am, but some of those fights took a good hour or more to finally beat. I consider Ys to be the "Dark Souls of JRPGs."
All in all, it's a fun, about 20hr game, but insanely difficult, so if you're not into the challenge, then maybe play on one of the easy difficulties.
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