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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
30.7 h en tout (29.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Excellent and quirky platformer, with a great concept and excellent voice acting. The difficulty ramps up nicely, even with some difficulty spikes that can be bypassed. The devs are also very active on forums and will even update the game based on feedback.
Évaluation publiée le 24 novembre 2016.
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7.1 h en tout (5.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's a genuinely good Metroidvania. The art, mechanics and structure work, but it makes a terrible first impression: there are checkpoints but their use is dependent on items that go up in price as you use them. You get 3 more every time they run out, which means you have to replay levels up to these checkpoints, while the price of items stays up.

Eventually I learned how to play the game right, which means abusing subweapons and scouring levels for secrets. It was an enjoyable game for a few hours, but sadly it went all 80s with the final boss: mandatory crawl through high level enemies, 3-stage battle (tedious, tediouser, tediousest), which I cheated my way through (it wasn't worth the few more hours it needed to beat it).

So if old school platformers are your thing, odallus is a safe choice. Just be prepared to adapt.
Évaluation publiée le 4 novembre 2016.
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16.6 h en tout
Like La-Mulana, albeit enjoyable.
Évaluation publiée le 3 septembre 2016.
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6.0 h en tout
Played it in March 2016 and didn't encounter a single bug. Granted, it doesn't control as well as the 2D ones, but it's still gorgeous, has some cunning puzzles and 5 solid hours of gameplay (acceptable for a bundled game).
Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2016.
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13.6 h en tout
Can't really recommend this, as it's a good game but accumulates too many poor design choices: micromanagement, too fast pace, necessary grinding... and worst of all, better parts that needs to be purchased, but are useless given the fast pace since they are too large to be used, so it's more efficient to spam little units.

My favorite part of tower defense games is to plan, build and watch the chaos happen. This is not one of these games.
Évaluation publiée le 27 février 2016.
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4.3 h en tout
it would have been an ok game as walking simulator: pretty, light and slow story, but it's a puzzle game so it's really bad at that. The puzzles are either straightforward or very obtuse, when they don't need blind experimentation. But Mind commits one major, fatal flaw, one that should never, ever be found in a puzzle game: the areas are waaaaay too large. In all popular puzzle games, puzzles are self contained within eyesight, here it's possible to spend a few minutes wandering around, only to end up at the starting point, because the game abuses visual effects that makes it unreadable.
Évaluation publiée le 12 aout 2015. Dernière modification le 12 aout 2015.
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5.4 h en tout
well played hektor. I expected another outlast, or a silent hill homage, I got a slender man indoors. Sure it's impossible to die, but I wished for it after the effects felt like torture. It's not fun wandering for 5 minutes with the screen trying to induce a seizure.

If you want to play a good asylum game, play the free but excellent nightmare house 2. If you want to play any asylum game, play blackbay asylum. If you still want to play an asylum walking simulator, rent the jacket or jacob's ladder, and watch it holding a controller. You'll still have a better and longer experience.
Évaluation publiée le 14 juin 2015.
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4.5 h en tout (4.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
insta-death because I entered an area with my health too low. 0/10.
Évaluation publiée le 26 avril 2015.
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4.3 h en tout
So yes, I bought it because it was heavily discounted and basically free after selling cards.

And yes, it's a retro style platformer/ puzzler with chiptune music.

But it's a F***ing good one.
Évaluation publiée le 25 avril 2015.
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4.0 h en tout
Maybe temple of Osiris is an OK game as a 4-player co-op game. But it's mostly a bad sequel. Guardian of light surprised everyone with clever level design, a fun campaign, challenging secrets and most important for me, the amazing work that went into making it a great single player game, despite being designed as a co-op game.

Temple of Osiris feels like the opposite game: the levels are built as arenas with the occasional lever or ball to push. Most puzzles are straightforward, because they don't (or didn't bother to) use the potential of co-op solving. As a result, the single player campaign is the same as the co-op one, only harder. Also, My biggest pet peeve in recent games is putting everything behind a (virtual) paywall, with upgrades bought with collected gems, instead of rewarding exploration. Finally, the game is poorly optimized and can't run without hiccups on a decent system.

So, Temple of Osiris lost most that made Guardian of light so special, and is almost indistinguishable from other light-hearted co-op shooters. Not what I wanted, and certainly not what I expected when buying the game.
Évaluation publiée le 15 mars 2015. Dernière modification le 15 mars 2015.
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