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Posted: Jun 26, 2016 @ 10:17am

Despite being somebody who is 30+ years over the target audience for this game, and also has no nostalgia for the Putt-Putt or Humongous Entertainment games (as I was past the target audience when this game came out), I can still say that this game is actually kind of fun. It's obviously meant for little children, and the game is short even if you completely explore (which in this game, also means clicking everything in the background to see what noise it makes or how it reacts). However, it's still a cute little point-and-click adventure game. Nobody gets harmed in this game, everybody has cute or silly little voices, the game is as inoffensive as they come; this game would be perfect for little kids who aren't too jaded about today's technology and wonder why this game wasn't released on something with a touch screen.
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PUTTPUTTISGOD May 16, 2020 @ 11:09pm 
I love PUTT God Friend!! Bip!