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게시 일시: 2014년 9월 3일 오전 10시 38분
업데이트됨: 2014년 9월 3일 오전 11시 04분

This is your usually WWII FPS, almost, but dinosaurs were necessary to add something new to them

The bad thing is, it doesn´t have a story mode or campaing (so don´t expect a scientific explanation for the dinosaur, axis just revived them, give weapons, and tried to change the world war course.

Dead records are exactly the same of TF2....

I whonder why Stalin appears on Allies winning if there aren´t a single russian there.

America faction only have one dinosaur, but every class have their own weaponry (and nacionality).
But don´t worry you still can fight for uncle Sam

Interesting facts:

-Goats can be can be thrown
-T-rex is not only in the game image, it can be used (and being OP of course) in 2 specific open maps (But no triceratops )
-Press "f" as dinosaur to P-I-S-S.
-I bet no ones notices the Zeppelins in the background
-Bot names are from famous and real people (Henry Fonda, Audie Murphy, Charlie Chaplin....)
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Nicodemo Gommorah #TransGaming 2015년 4월 13일 오후 6시 54분 
TF2 has a story, It's Just on their website via the comics, dont worry. theres dubs of them on youtube so you can look them up. there was a catch up comic about a year ago
ThreeKMafia 2014년 12월 30일 오전 9시 02분 
actualy they do kinda explain it they have a new system in beta were you can coolect peieces of a comic to leran how the nazis got ahold of the dinos and how the allies got ahold of triger
ScienceDiscoverer 2014년 12월 18일 오전 11시 31분 
I think they made mistake by mentioning stalin bastard. This monster started this whole war and got almost no punishment in history.
[PGM]Puff|)r@g0nZ 2014년 12월 14일 오후 9시 48분 
Magruder 2014년 12월 3일 오후 8시 46분 
The Soviet Union was part of the allies in WWII, and Stalin was the General Secretary of the Soviet Union during WWII, hence why Mr. Vissarionovich is mentioned.
|KPF|KaiserCREB 2014년 10월 4일 오전 10시 15분 
the sniper is russian hence the nagant pistol and mosin nagant rifle
Be Blue! Metalworm 2014년 9월 3일 오전 11시 04분 
love this game too the dinosaurs make the gameplay different from other games.