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Posted: Jun 27, 2016 @ 10:32pm
Updated: Jun 27, 2016 @ 10:41pm

Led Germany for 3 (or was it 4?) 5 year terms as a socialist with high 90s population support in every election,
Permanent AAA credit rating with positve income since the first term (even in financial depressions)
Managed a full cabinet for 2 terms without any ministers quitting or being fired
Eradicated poverty and unemployment and obesity
Created an egalitarian society
Lost an island in the Pacific due to a wek armed forces
Set up a space station and a base on Mars
Financial reserve of at least 2,000 billion in the last election...............

Still get voted out of office in the last election cos of reasons unknown (electorate support just sank to 21% and was there forever even after cancelling all income tax as an experiment)..........or perhaps it was the Battenburg group that I pissed off too much with the socialist policies.

Time to retire in peace as an elder statesmen and write a political memoirs
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