A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
0.0 h las últimas dos semanas / 29.4 h registradas (29.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 29 JUN 2014 a las 3:39 p. m.
Actualizada el 30 JUN 2014 a las 12:10 p. m.

I couldn't put this one down!! The story is fabulous, and the artwork is even better. This game is so pretty, I couldn't help but take pictures on a lot of the screens. The music and voice acting follow; they are both great. The game surprises you with some dark moments that you don't expect due to the cheeriness of some scenes in the beginning. Lately when I play point and clicks I find myself having to look up solutions to puzzles just because I can spend so long on one thing and start to think it's a bug or something. But I rarely had to look up solutions for this game - Only one or two that got me frustrated. I like to take my time so I'm sure this is excessive, but The Dark Eye kept me entertained for the whole 20 hours it took me to finish it :o Only real gripe is that I wish the ending was developed more, it felt abrupt and not as satisfying as I'd hoped.

Edit: The ending is not a problem if you go right on to Memoria, the sequel, it picks right back up where you left off :)
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