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0.0 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 35.9 godz. łącznie
Zamieszczono 11 czerwca 2016 o 15:56

(Full review follows below)

  • Game Name: Portal 2
  • Original Release: 2011
  • Genre Tags: Innovative; Puzzle; Sci-Fi; Action; Funny
  • My Overall Grade: A+
  • Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 3-6 hours
  • Multiplayer Aspect: Optional and Auxiliary
  • Recommended To: Established fans of the genre; Those intrigued by the genre; Novelty seekers; Casual gamers; Multiplayer gamers

Portal 2 takes everything that was done right in the first game and injects it with steroids. It boasts a longer, more diverse campaign that still manages to hold on to the humor, atmosphere, and overall quality that made the original so enjoyable. It also boasts a new cooperative mode, which brings the experience to a new level. And to top it off, with Steam Workshop integration, the possibilities for new content become limitless.

In the campaign, all of the strengths from the first game return and are fine-tuned to perfection. The puzzles are more diverse and interesting, with more advanced mechanics introduced. The atmosphere is even more fleshed out and enticing. The dialogue is even more hilarious and entertaining. And to top it all off, the game is about twice as long.

After that, there is also an incredibly well designed cooperative mode, complete with its own characters and puzzles. This adds what is effectively another whole game to the mix, which is a very welcome addition.

And to top it all off, with the Steam Workshop integration, there is endless possibilities for new puzzle rooms in both single-player and cooperative modes. Not all of it is great, of course, but some of it is arguably better than the real game. It is a gift that just keeps on giving.

With the gameplay being so intuitive and enjoyable, and the limitless possibilities of the Workshop, Portal 2 rockets to the clouds as a deity among video games. It is hands-down one of the absolute best games in existence. If you haven’t yet tried it, now is the time. There are hours of entertainment waiting for you.

Follow my curation page to see more of my recommendations!
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Komentarzy: 5
dayik4s 20 sierpnia 2017 o 13:53 
3 to 6 hours as @Narsil101 just said below
are you speedrunning it?
impossible to get 3 to 6 hours the first time.
Narsil101 28 czerwca 2016 o 19:54 
3-6 hours??? dang dude lol
Chair 17 czerwca 2016 o 11:39 
yeap 11/10
nice review!
[+3z]FUSE 12 czerwca 2016 o 2:23 
Good one! :counting:
GHOST [PRO] 11 czerwca 2016 o 16:37 
10/10 :mechanic::ss13ok: