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投稿日: 2016年6月10日 10時19分

(Full review follows below)

  • Game Name: Portal
  • Original Release: 2007
  • Genre Tags: Innovative; Puzzle; Sci-Fi; Action; Funny
  • My Overall Grade: A+
  • Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 2-3 hours
  • Multiplayer Aspect: None
  • Recommended To: Established fans of the genre; Those intrigued by the genre; Novelty seekers; Casual gamers

Portal is an amazing experience. In terms of video games: it is the very definition of short & sweet. There are many people out there overly concerned with the length of games, and I believe Portal is an excellent example of why one shouldn’t immediately scoff at a short game due to prejudices. Sometimes 3 hours of perfection is better than 20 hours of mediocrity. Sit down, immerse yourself, and just play through the game in one sitting as you would if watching a movie. It is worth it.

I say this because I believe this is a game best enjoyed in one sitting. There are no lulls or down points, and every second of the game is riveting and purposeful. The whole experience is so genuinely entertaining and the pacing is so perfectly on point that I think it is designed to be played like this. In this way, I see the length of the game as a strength and not a weakness… but maybe I’m just crazy.

But what is it that makes the game so genuinely entertaining in the first place? Everything… and then some. The concept is innovative, the puzzles are intuitive and interesting, the atmosphere is captivating, and the dialogue is hilarious and flawless. And when all of these facets come together in the finished product, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. And a game is created that transcends opinions: it is undeniably great.

Honestly, I respect everyone’s right to their own taste in video games; but if you don’t enjoy Portal, I would dutifully suggest you consider finding a new hobby. I would find it very hard to understand how anyone could possibly not enjoy this game if they consider themselves a “gamer.”

If you haven’t yet had the luxury of experiencing Portal, then I envy you. Stop thinking about it and just go for it.

Follow my curation page to see more of my recommendations!
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5 件のコメント
Captain Salt 2019年5月30日 21時17分 
bruh this isnt a job application its a stupid review

just say 'its good' and be done with it

also why do you envy people who haven't played the game if you said it's a good game that you have to play?
☣Lukeboss116☣ 2016年10月2日 20時21分 
This review is so formal...I am impressed.
EnNergy- 2016年7月5日 6時22分 
EdenStarGazer 2016年6月10日 19時11分 
GHOST [PRO] 2016年6月10日 13時26分 
10/10 :ss13ok: