2 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.4 hrs on record
Posted: Sep 22, 2014 @ 5:17pm
Updated: Sep 22, 2014 @ 5:17pm

To their credit, when Monolith was tasked with making a Lord of the Rings MOBA they didn’t just re-skin League of Legends and call it a day. Though in hindsight, perhaps that would have been the better choice. For the uninitiated, a MOBA (generally) involves two teams of five players trying to take an opposing base. Minions flow along “lanes”, used as meatshields against enemy defensive towers. You control a powerful hero with potent abilities that level up during the course of the match.

There are a lot of elements that separates GOME from its genre-brothers. Instead of having an in-match store, you purchase all your items, abilities and potions between matches using currency earned during a match. Potions are consumable buffs that need to be restocked. Abilities are utility spells, you can take four into a match. Guardian Belts hold purchasable Relics and Gems (which act like the weapon/armour items from other MOBA games). As your Guardian gains levels during a match, the belt slots unlock from left to right, unlocking the stats of the gems/relics as you go. You can upgrade the Towers that defend your lanes, and the Barracks that spew out minions. Both have four levels of upgrades that drastically improve their defensive/offensive power, giving that lane a huge advantage of a non-upgraded lane. Guardian abilities all work off cooldown counters, there are no mana or resource systems of any kind.

The 36 Guardians are grouped into distinct roles: Tacticians (tanky pushers), Enchanters (high-damage nukers), Defenders (tanky supports), Strikers (glass-cannon nukers) and Warriors (middle-of-the-road). There’s cooperative play against bots, the standard five vs five online play (which puts you in a hard botmatch if it can’t find opponents), survival (five players vs waves of creatures), and a practice mode where you’re forced to play a certain character. There’s only one map, with either three or one lanes, but the map has multiple skins that change the aesthetic trimmings, chosen at random when starting.

You have to pay for the game upfront, but unless you shell out for the expensive edition you only have a handful of Guardians at your disposal. The rest you buy using in-game currency, but the amount you have to play to unlock even one is ridiculous. Online, the game uses a peer-to-peer system for multiplayer instead of a server-based system, so expect a lot of lag all the time. That’s if you can even find a match: steamcharts.com which tracks players on Steam games reports GOME has at most, 20-30 people online at any time. Range indicators on abilities are unreliable, controls can be unresponsive, and you can’t even adjust the graphics settings in-game.

Proving that the power of a franchise name alone isn’t enough to save a bad game, Guardians of Middle-earth is a derelict wreck. Its online community is dead, and even if you’re okay with just playing offline against bots, the core game experience is a let down.
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Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:44am 
Okay, its your choice. (And if you ever wanna try out a different MOBA, try Dota 2 or Sins of a Dark Age)
redspacebeast Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:43am 
I appreciate the offer, but no thank you. I gave it a chance already, and did not enjoy it.
Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:42am 
Wait a sec, what if you were to play with me and my friends today with GOME? I am sure you would enjoy it. I hope you will give it a chance. :P
Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:41am 
Yea, I understand why you wouldny recommend this. I didnt at first until I actually played GOME.
redspacebeast Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:40am 
And that's fine. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:39am 
Very true, but I still find GOME really enjoyable with all my friends. :P
redspacebeast Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:39am 
GOME has an average of 10 players online at any time. Unless you like playing against bots, that's pretty bad for a MOBA that relies on having a community.
Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:37am 
Yea I saw that, I was just saying you can easily unlock everything. Thats all. :P
redspacebeast Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:36am 
You do know I say as much right there in the review, right?

"The rest you buy using in-game currency, but the amount you have to play to unlock even one is ridiculous."
Juggernaut Oct 20, 2014 @ 8:32am 
You do know you dont HAVE to pay for the gaurdians and skins right? You can unlock them for free. And also, you can buy this for like 3 bucks on G2a or kinguin.