Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
33/33 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Athena's Wisdom

Complete four minigames without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.51

Dionysus' Wit

Finished eight minigames without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.30

Hestia’s Fire

Finished all minigames without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.01

Aphrodite’s Rapid Love

Finished two minigames in 60 seconds without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.51

Artemis’ Arrow

Finished four minigames in 60 seconds without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.36

Hades' Cunning

Finished eight minigames in 60 seconds without skipping
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.06

Zeus’ Lightning

Finish a HOS in 90 seconds
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.28

Hermes' Swiftness

Finished three HOS in 45 seconds without any hints
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 10.33

Hephaestus’ Hammer

Finished two HOS with less than 10 errors
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.49

Ares' Precision

Finished all HOS without any hints
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.04

Watchful Eye

Find all morphing objects
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.36

Poseidon's Observance

Find all collectible items
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.45

Ariadne’s Descendant

You have been chosen by the Thread
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.35

Escape Artist

You successfully escaped from the Sect’s captivity
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 5.46

Helping Hand

You rescued Daniel from the pit
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.01

Skilled Explorer

You successfully reached the Hidden Island
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.31

Master of Reviving

You have earned the Thread's reviving ability
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.46

Lifelong Friend

Freeing the Dwarf has granted you a loyal friend
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 6.48

Song Collector

You have acquired the Song of the Sirens
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.12


You successfully freed Hephaestus
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.26

Commander of Creatures

The Hippocampus bent to your will
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.29

Master of Illusions

You have earned the illusions-neutralizing ability of the Thread
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.41

Great Champion

You defeated the Medusa using her own ability
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 7.45

Amazing Hero

You successfully fulfilled your destiny by killing the Minotaur
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.05

Loyal Friend

You saved your Dwarven ally
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.12

True Adventurer

You successfully found your way through the Dead Marsh
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.29

Mighty Fighter

You defeated the frightening Cyclops and freed the Pegasus
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.54

Butterfly Hoarder

You have collected all of the butterflies
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.09

Night-butterfly Hoarder

You have collected all of the night butterflies
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.45

Firefly Bug Hoarder

You have collected all of the firefly bugs
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.24

Dragonfly Hoarder

You have collected all of the dragonflies
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.29

Water-hyacinth Collector

You have collected all of the water hyacinths
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.29

Water-lily Hoarder

You have collected all of the water lilies
Avattu 26.10.2017 klo 8.36