17 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 35.1 hrs on record (34.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 2, 2014 @ 9:24am

I've seen a lot of comparisons for this game to other popular titles and I think that is a disservice to this game, because then you start looking at what this game doesn't have.

Here is what the game DOES have.

Great graphics at low hardware cost. The game looks good, it looks clean, the ships are detailed and the environment is gripping, and you don't have to sell your soul to play it.

Great music. It's the type of music you'd expect to hear if there were an intergalactic space composer.

Lots of ship options: There are enough choices to make your personal mark on the universe.

Space: Everything is better in space.

Combat: Everything is better with combat, especially in space.

Great development team: They are VERY involved with the community and the community is VERY involved with development, in the best ways I have ever seen, ever.

It is a good game, at a low cost, that will provide many hours of enjoyment.
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