an actual dog
:TheBureauAlien: ayy lmao :TheBureauAlien:
bwork bwork :DOGEPAW::Dogeface:

:glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog: :glennthefrog:

ℋ𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓞𝒇 ℛ𝒆𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼:

Shavemyhamster: lmao im gonna be a legit gamer
Shavemyhamster: im gonna play
Shavemyhamster: roblox

Louis The Manager : Dog
an actual dog : :D
Louis The Manager : *pets*
an actual dog : *enjoys*
an actual dog : Thank u for the pets, boss
Louis The Manager : HALP MEEEEEEE
Louis The Manager : HALP ME
an actual dog : BOSS, NOOO
Louis The Manager : *ded*
Louis The Manager : *cough*
an actual dog : We meet in heaven again, boss
Louis The Manager : *your *cough* paid* *Ded*
an actual dog : ;-;
an actual dog : bozz.....

Legatus Enginus: remember baseketball
an actual dog: yes
Legatus Enginus: ok
an actual dog: Yeah! :)
an actual dog: O.K!
Legatus Enginus: ok
an actual dog: ok
Legatus Enginus: ok
an actual dog: i-is this a The Fault In Our Stars reference

Pol Pot: nice are you a girl
an actual dog: Yis
Pol Pot: can you go out with me please
an actual dog: Uhmmm
an actual dog: ookay
Pol Pot: please yes or no
Pol Pot: okay i love you lets play
an actual dog: omg
Pol Pot : whats your number
an actual dog: 123
Pol Pot : imean phone number
an actual dog: 123123123123
Pol Pot : thats not true
Pol Pot : iwont do anything \
an actual dog: Pls.
Pol Pot : whats your phone number
an actual dog: 420133769
Pol Pot : all call you later
an actual dog: Can't wait

snipars: *serches dog pewrn*
an actual dog: >:O
an actual dog: DOn't you DARE
snipars: pls
snipars: lemme just
snipars: *serches doge pewrn*
snipars: yes
snipars: perfect.
snipars: much rape
an actual dog: NO!!!!!!!!!11111
snipars: such great
snipars: YESSSSSS!
snipars: THE RAID BOSS IS HERE- *explosion*
an actual dog: OOHhhH

an actual dog: Whut you been watching
snipars: scary vids
snipars: ..
snipars: Like jason
snipars: or something
an actual dog: Jaysun
snipars: and then i heard something
snipars: in my bed
snipars: ...
snipars: I was 2 scared
an actual dog: :0
an actual dog: *holdz your ass*
an actual dog: It's oke
snipars: c::
snipars: SQUEEZE ET@
snipars: NAO!
an actual dog: *SQUEEZEZ*
snipars: y do u keep talking trash bout ass

Shavemyhamster: hello macaroni
an actual dog: Hola :D
Shavemyhamster: im talking to my bff c; were talking pretty dirty hes gay 2
an actual dog: Oh

Røbinzon ~: by the way
Røbinzon ~: the femenin form of dog in English is a ♥♥♥♥♥
Røbinzon ~: might wanna change it <^^>
an actual dog: UHH
an actual dog: I already know that and I didn't feel like calling myself a ♥♥♥♥♥.
Røbinzon ~: oh
an actual dog: Instead, I go by doggette
Røbinzon ~: oh that sounds better
an actual dog: Doga :D
Røbinzon ~: mm
Røbinzon ~: i'd go for doggete
Røbinzon ~: but you do you :)
an actual dog: Dogay
Røbinzon ~: that's me .

Super Mario joined.
Super Mario: sit doggie, sit
an actual dog: *sits*
Super Mario: good boy :) *gives treats*
an actual dog: BORK (thanx bruh) :D
Super Mario: :D

A Deadly Spycrab: roses are red violets are blue dis will get
A Deadly Spycrab: into ur wall of memes
A Deadly Spycrab: (on ur profile)
an actual dog: tru.
15 11 1
すーぱデビルケ 19. Apr. um 8:44 
𐎧𐎨 𐎬𐎠𐎢
jeongyeonsgf(real) 6. Apr. um 10:44 
snu snu
gabushchansama 23. März um 18:10 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of yours
kri 19. Jan. um 0:20 
sun 15. Jan. um 9:52 
gabushchansama 16. Okt. 2023 um 13:06 
"Just a car"!? "JUST A CAR"!?
That's like saying the Mona Lisa's just a sculpture, or ♥♥♥♥, man! That's like sayin' Jimmy Gibbs is JUST a driver. That's like saying the girl on the bridge is JUST a little pretty, she is an ANGEL. ♥♥♥♥, that's like, that's li-