Curiosity | B > Unusuals
United States
Hello I have been impersonated.

:Puglife: INVENTORY :Puglife:
Currently Offline
Guidelines and FAQ

Craft #1 Tally: 301


1. I buy and sell mostly items in .
2. I can trade my pure keys or unusual for your Items if I am interested, provided that the items you have are marketable in .
3. Please don't ask me into games to show me off or take a picture. I'm not a trophy.
4. I usually using this account to negotiate

Q: Can I add you just to be friends and hang out and chat sometimes?
A: I rarely add anyone to be just friends. If we don't have business, I can't add you; sorry!
Q: I'm interested in buying one of your Collector's Items/Chemistry Sets, or one of your Craft #1s! Are they for sale?
A: My Collector's and #1s are not for sale. However, my policy is to listen to all offers. If you leave a profile comment and have your own comments on public, I'll answer an offer as soon as possible.
Q: Why did you remove me?
A: Chances are we never talk or we traded once and haven't done anything else for months. If you really think things will be different you can just comment and add me again.