kwongjen   Selangor, Malaysia
HoNZhai, Ex- Head Moderator of Garena HoN
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Enjelo 17 SEP 2019 a las 2:40 p. m. 
Dear Winner! Congratulations! There is a random.org site that we generate steam id64 once a month, so your steam id64 won. You won the free distribution of "INSCRIBED MACE OF AEONS" or any DOTA2 skin. Get it at {ENLACE ELIMINADO} , use your code: ->M7K8s9a5L< - (This code is only valid for you.)
Attention: no deposit required!
Have a nice day and we are waiting for you.
Sarah 3 MAR 2019 a las 12:24 a. m. 
I can give my Manifold Paradox phantom assasin acrana for all of your Dota 2 loading screens (Im collecting them and you have a lot of screens I want) so if it's ok send me trade offer please. Trade link in my profile bio
Abandon@@ 17 NOV 2014 a las 4:50 a. m. 
+ rep good player !!!! but still feeler and early T.T.. no one Can bet me.. as a farmer.
Negev Masta 26 JUN 2014 a las 7:14 a. m. 
+rep very nice trader
K 18 MAY 2014 a las 2:32 a. m. 
+rep, awesome trader xD
wow 20 ABR 2014 a las 11:29 p. m. 
+raped,nice ♥♥♥♥♥♥