Naisen Puplow
Christian   Illinois, United States
If i add you, it means that we must have something in common. we might have the same game or we might like the same thing. and yes i love furries.

oh and if you are wondering how old i am heres the date, do the math lol: 10/7/1990

im just a huge gamer in general. i have so many different types of consoles. started out as a nintendo baby. had the ps2 and grew up on kingdom hearts and ddr. and have been on the PC for a long time for mmos. im always online in the internet somewhere. i love valve of course. mostly you can find me on the xbox 360 and my 3DS today.

i like being on steam and online in general. most of my friends are online and this is how i talk to them. i also love to make new friends so feel free to add me. my favorite game right now on the PC is dragon nest. i also play spiral knights a lot too. below are some of my ign's if you want to add me there. and most of my steam games are either indie or an mmo. i dont like to play "console" stand-alone games. thats what my xbox is for. my gamertag for xbox is Pawer96.

Rusty Hearts - Rafuerte - Frantz - Level 10
Vindictus - Kireren - Lann - Level 40
Spiral Knights - Dusvio - Vanguard - Bunny Legacy
League of Legends - hawtdawggy - Warwick
Dragon's Nest - Kirevale - Barbarian - Level 50
TERA - Terviral - Slayer - Level 20 - Castanic

This person means everything in the world to me. He is my soul mate on steam:

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yuvo Apr 17, 2013 @ 5:01am 
Yea I noticed but I haven't been on much at all v.v
Lykan Apr 16, 2013 @ 6:52pm 
Sad foxy is sad. -__- You had your reasons, i guess.
le fabulous unicorn Apr 16, 2013 @ 11:05am 
Meh, it's average but not too bad. ;]
Lykan Apr 15, 2013 @ 4:07pm 
hey. why did you unfriend me? :C
Michael Myers Apr 14, 2013 @ 1:54pm 
Awww Thank You.. and you too i hope everything is alright with you too or that everything get better for you too.
Naisen Puplow Apr 12, 2013 @ 8:26pm 
then we should talk more cadence. i cant message you on steam. and the only way to get to you is commenting on my own profile.

and its ok dante. im sorry about that. i hope you both feel better soon.