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Val 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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13명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 179.4시간 (평가 당시 111.2시간)
After getting a 100 hours of gameplay out of Don`t Starve Together, I can say that this game is worth the money. Although I never played the singleplayer version of the game, which I am told contains more story, I still enjoyed playing this when a friend wasn`t available. It is enjoyable both alone and with friends, and I personally don`t think that it is necessary to own both games if wanting to play single or multiplayer.

The customization options when generating the world can allow for each player to adjust the world to their difficulty level. Newer players can make it a bit easier for their first time so they can get a feel for the game and test it out, while more experienced players can adjust settings to keep the game from becoming boring. However, one may choose to play on the default settings to get the true experience of the game.

For many, the in game items and outfits are an important part of the game. These drop randomly and require that the player has at least the basic science machine built. When entering a world these items can be applied the your chosen character, or can be changed by crafting a wardrobe. Character customization can be important to some players, and items can be collected to do this over time when playing. Otherwise, the items may be sold or traded on steam.

I could expand further on this game, but that has the potential to ruin the experience for new players that should discover the details of the game themselves. Overall though, I would suggest this game for those that enjoy a survival based game that contains different types of environments and a gradually expanded crafting system. It can be enjoyed alone or with friends equally even though this version is more geared towards multiplayer. I have gotten a large amount of playtime out of the game already without becoming tired of playing yet.
2017년 1월 10일에 게시되었습니다. 2017년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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