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Fan of Fans 2017. okt. 1., 6:11 
One fine day in the middle of the night'
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A blind man came to watch fair play
A mute man came to shout "hooray!"
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came to stop the two dead boys
He lived on the corner in the middle of the block
In a two story house on a vacant lot
A man with no legs came walking by
And kicked the lawman in the thigh
He crashed through a wall without making a sound
Into a dry ditch and suddenly drowned
A long black hearse came to cart him away
But he ran for his life and is still gone today
I watched from the corner of a big round table
The only eyewitness to the facts of my fable
But if you doubt my lies are true
Just ask the blind man he saw it too.
󠀡󠀡 2016. szept. 27., 11:52 

...that is all
consond 2016. jún. 25., 15:07 
ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ୧༼ ͡◉ل͜ ͡◉༽୨ (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง ヽ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ノ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ─=≡Σ((( つ◕ل͜◕)つ (ง •̀_•́)ง┌(° ͜ʖ͡°)┘(ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)งᕙ༼◕ل͜◕༽ᕗ FULL DONGER POWER ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ୧༼ ͡◉ل͜ ͡◉༽୨ (ง ͠° ل͜ °)ง ヽ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ノ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ─=≡Σ((( つ◕ل͜◕)つ (ง •̀_•́)ง┌(° ͜ʖ͡°)┘(ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)งᕙ༼◕ل͜◕༽ᕗ
Obi Wan Cannoli 2015. okt. 29., 3:58 
░░░░░░░█▐▓▓░████▄▄▄█▀▄▓▓▓▌█ very cool
░░█▀▄▓▓▓███▓▓▓███▓▓▓▄░░▄▓▐█▌ such awsome
█▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ much amazing
█▐▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄▄▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓█▓█▓█▓▓▓▐█ WoW