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Geplaatst: 14 mei 2015 om 18:00

This game has come a long way since its beginning and it's still going strong. For me personally it went to overwhelmingly frustrating to awesomely enjoyable. The devs are super responsive and really care about the community. Keep in mind this is a tactical combat sim with trading aspects. There is a living economy, but personally I never paid any attention to it.

Destroy enemy ships, capture enemy ships, loot enemy ships, grapple enemy ships, hack enemy ships. Do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy. Expansive map with plenty of variety to keep you exploring. Ships, officers, mercenaries, trading opportunities, weapons, weapon enhancements, system enhancements, equipment, etc.

This game is an awesome space game in terms of what its selling point is: a tactical combat RPG space sim.
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2 opmerkingen
Whitey 9 nov 2015 om 13:38 
Eh. It's tactical. Simulation might be a stretch.
madSimon 9 nov 2015 om 8:46 
Tactical sim? What game are you playing?