2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.6 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 4, 2014 @ 6:13pm

Amazing horror game. Definitely one of the scariest horror games that I have played. It heavily depends on sudden and sometimes "cheap" jumpscares to scare you, but that's okay, it's something that most AAA games are afraid to do, what a shame, it actually works good if used correctly.

The game gives you the means to defend yourself (knife, guns ect.) and that is a nice change from all the recent horror games that the only thing that you can do is run, and hope for the best (Amnesia, Outlast, Slender ect.)

The old graphics may not be the most pleasing to look at, nevertheless, the atmosphere that they have created with the half life engine is pretty creepy. The music and sound effects are great too. Finally it's a completely free game (you have the ability to donate in-game and recieve a special weapon), so I can't see why you souldn't download it!

tl;dr Great horror game, a must download for horror fans!
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